Personal Assembly shop
Moderator: ickputzdirwech
Personal Assembly shop
Hi all. I came to this forum with the idea. How about adding a personal Assembly shop. It would be a subject for a modular armor with 2x2 or 4x4 size. It will consume about 320 kW during operation. Its peculiarity is that it will significantly speed up production of items. Appearance is a combination of various machine tools. Tell me what do you think about this idea, I'll be happy.
Re: Personal Assembly shop
I know that one of the reasons hand crafting is slow is to encourage you to automate. Would this let you fall into the trap of hand making everything? And since armor comes in late game, when you should have most things automated anyway, would it really solve the frustration of having to wait for hand crafting?
A tip for making better suggestions: Details like "320 kW" tend to bog down the discussion, and could be figured out by the devs later. Instead, focus on gameplay. How does this make the gameplay better? Why is it needed? The "what" can be figured out later. The suggestions should have a "why".
A tip for making better suggestions: Details like "320 kW" tend to bog down the discussion, and could be figured out by the devs later. Instead, focus on gameplay. How does this make the gameplay better? Why is it needed? The "what" can be figured out later. The suggestions should have a "why".