Simple Stable Tileable Kovarex.

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Dry Hairy Tree
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Simple Stable Tileable Kovarex.

Post by Dry Hairy Tree »

Kovarex.jpg (72.3 KiB) Viewed 1268 times
Each of the three wired inserters below are highlighted yellow in their respective pictures. They also come in the same sequence as it occurs.
Kovarex Ins1.jpg
Kovarex Ins1.jpg (117.01 KiB) Viewed 1268 times
U235 and U238 exiting from the centrifuge are held in the chest red wired to inserter one. Once there is 41 U235 this first inserter takes 1 U235.

Check override stack size, then change the stack size in the field for it, then click on set stack size. In order varying to this it may not allow you to change the stack to one.

The one piece of U235 taken by the first inserter triggers inserter two.
Kovarex Ins2.jpg
Kovarex Ins2.jpg (112.25 KiB) Viewed 1268 times
Inserter two wont work until there is 1 U235 taken by inserter one. It removes the 40 U235 that then go back in the centrifuge for another cycle.
Kovarex Ins3.jpg
Kovarex Ins3.jpg (104.26 KiB) Viewed 1268 times
The third inserter (note the green wire here) tallies both chests and when there is only one U235 in both chests (when inserter two is finished) it removes that one and thus turns itself and inserter two back off in effect resetting the system.

Code: Select all

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