Dynamic rocket payload [logic conditions]

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Dynamic rocket payload [logic conditions]

Post by paouk »

Hello there,

i'm going through a long run with few mods in which is Ion Cannons. My base isn't a classic megabase. It is in terms of size and game duration but it is not in terms of production stats and throghput. I've got all i need with the right patience, though. I'm updated to the most recent steam 0.15.x beta version.

I've got a periferic launchpad feeded by trains carrying rocket components.
I set up a satellite assembler near a train station, the station is enabled only when needed (logistic network satellites count < 2 for now) so the train bring the satellite necessary components here retrieving the space science from the last rocket.
(this is the whole base as it was few minor upgrades ago album)

I've now researched Ion Cannons and i would automate the choice of the rocket payload.
I'd like something similar to: one rocket launches a satellite and the next lauches a Cannon, repeating this logic everytime.
I could also have a second silo on site.

As it is now, a requester chest near the silo requests 1 satellite. When the rocket is ready, the Inserter pulls that, robots bring the new one from the westside assembler, the station is enabled for the satellite components to refill the logistic network satellites count (2).

I've read on Combinators 101 about the S-R latch.
I was thinking about using that in someway to set the request of the requester chest.
Maybe somewhat(s/r latch?) attached to the final payload inserter that catch up what it is holdig and:

If it holds satellite, have out 1 cannon signal.
If it holds cannon, have out 1 satellite signal.

I would use this signal to:
1) set request of the payload requester chest.
2) enable/disable stations or directing belts flow to asseble satellite or cannon on site.

I'm using some basic circuitry here and there but i'm not so confident with more complex stuff like S/R latch.
I tried a bit in a TestMap with creative mod, but i can't really build a working S/R latch.

Could you give me some feedback on what i'm thinking? Is it possible? Am i missing some really trivial solution to do this?

Thanks in advance
Rome, Italy, Europe, Planet Earth, Solar System, Local Interstellar Cloud, Local Bubble, Orion–Cygnus Arm, Milky Way, Known Universe
(forgive me for eventually bad english, i'm trying my best)
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Re: Dynamic rocket payload [logic conditions]

Post by DaveMcW »

The trivial solution is build two silos and give each a different payload.

If you really want one silo, try a buffer chest with 2 input inserters and 1 output inserter. Connect all four items with a colored wire.

Requester chest (Satellite) --> Inserter 1 (Everything = 0) --> Buffer chest
Requester chest (Ion cannon) --> Inserter 2 (Everything = 0) --> Buffer chest
Buffer chest --> Output inserter (Read hand contents: Hold) --> Rocket silo
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Re: Dynamic rocket payload [logic conditions]

Post by paouk »

DaveMcW wrote:The trivial solution is build two silos and give each a different payload.
Yes, you can see the area is already prepared to have more silos intended to "copy-pasted" towards north,
i'll do it when i reach a sufficent boost in rocket components production.

There are some problems with train, though.

Having 2 different silos for 2 different payload would result in 2 option a think:
  1. having train configuration multiplied by 2x. 2 rocket fuel trains, 2 RCU trains, 2 LDS trains.
  2. This would ends up stressing way too much the main line. It is now the biggest bottleneck in my expansion, the 2 way main line going through the core factory is not enough at all. Adding 3 more trains wouldn't help.
  3. having 2 station with the same name with trains randomly choosing one.
  4. This would ends up waiting twice the time two have 2 rocket ready with more (and more frequent) travels for the payload train.
Furthermore, setting up some logic there wolud make possibile in future, when science needs drops down, to adjust the proportion "cannons:satellites" according to the expansion needs.
DaveMcW wrote:try a buffer chest with 2 input inserters and 1 output inserter.
Well, I like this one very much.
I can't undestrand how it can alternate between the two input.
I will absolutely give it a try later. Practical view of this kind of things makes everthing more clear for me :?

Thank you
Rome, Italy, Europe, Planet Earth, Solar System, Local Interstellar Cloud, Local Bubble, Orion–Cygnus Arm, Milky Way, Known Universe
(forgive me for eventually bad english, i'm trying my best)
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Re: Dynamic rocket payload [logic conditions]

Post by SyncViews »

One train should be able to transport more than enough for several silos, so personally Id just use a splitter so that the different silos get my desired proportions.
This also helps if you want to stop/stall space science if the packs get backed up rather than waste them, without needing further complexity in what item you load them with (just have the satellite inserter disabled until all the space science is

Otherwise using a buffer chest seems simplest, with a chest/belt output detection to ensure science is empty (extra condition for the satellite inserter, and you likely dont need the "read head contents").

Btw, rocket parts and silo's can use productivity modules.
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