If this idea gets adopted, it could become bigger than Dytech.
This mod would be a clean addition - which means I would like this mod to not change anything that is already in the game and only add stuff, which would make it compatible with basically every mod. By the way, the word "Lantea" is from the franchise of Stargate, and this mod will draw inspiration heavily from there.
I bought Factorio less than a week ago, and when I first started playing it I loved it. I have played about 50hrs up to this point and I find myself already growing bored. Why is that?
#1: This game has no multiplayer. (They are thankfully already working on that!)
#2: No true endgame even with DyTech, F-Mod, Powerlimiter, etc.
This mod is meant to address #2!
I have placed a TL;DR version at the bottom.
Let's start!
You will be able to build a Dimensional Destabilizer. This is practically an aura tower which eats something like 10MW or more just by itself. (Maybe 100MW? supposed to be really endgame. If you have the Powerlimiter mod, this is easy) This aura goes approximately as far as the Roboport. Only within this aura can assembling machines craft the second category of buildings, and this is where it gets interesting.
Let's earn the 'Lantean' designation and make the laws of physics themselves our plaything.
The second type of building are a set of aura towers with different effects.
#1: Quantum Actualizer
An aura tower which destabilizes the laws of physics in the area it is placed in. Instead of the actual laws, this enforces the laws of physics as described in the "Quantum Theory" of many centuries past. This allows the placement of different types of buildings which abuse quantum mechanics.
#2: Deterministic Causality Enforcer
An aura tower which destabilizes the laws of physics in the area it is placed in. Instead of the actual laws, this enforces the laws of physics as described in the "String Theory" of many centuries past. This allows the placement of different types of buildings which abuse the existence of strings.
#3: Stargate
A portal which leads to another stargate you have built. When left klicking on it, it opens a window with all the other working stargates you have built and supplied with energy, you can choose one and the portal opens. Just walking through will teleport you to the other stargate. (maybe make this compatible with F-Mod? I think it was F-Mod which had you traveling to other planets)
#4: Zero Point Energy Extraction Point
A building which lets you slowly fill Zero Point Energy Modules. This building leeches energy out of the friction between the Universes itself and dumps it in a specialized battery. This battery can store up to 1 Terra Watt. You can then extract that energy by placing this battery in a:
#5: Force Field Reactor
This is not simply a building, but a chain of buildings which can be upgraded into a more advanced version of the previous building every time. The first one will eat a new resource called "Uranium" (yay, everyone and their mothers have been thinking of this

#6: pending.... I am still compiling a bigger list for this.
All these buildings exist to set up for the assembly lines which come with the next part of this mod!
The following buildings can only be crafted and placed inside of the aura of a Quantum Actualizer building.
#1: Quantum Probability Miner
A building which has a fuel and a produce slot. By itself it will just consume energy out of the normal energy grid and roll dice with each tick TO GET A RANDOM ITEM IN HIS PRODUCTION SLOT O_o! By itself the probability to get even something like unprocessed ore or dirty water is barely 50%, but this can be boosted by placing items in its fuel slot. The more expensive the item the higher the boost. Something like water will boost the probability of the items by barely 5% of the base value, but something like processor circuits (the blue ones, I have no idea what they are actually called in english, I am playing the game in german) will boost the values by an impressive 50-100% (balance please?).
Now you are asking yourself, why the **** would I build something this expensive for so little reward? Because this is the only way of getting several incredibly useful items:
The Impulse cannon, which can be crafted into a handheld weapon (does enough damage to oneshot even the biggest biters - this is inspired by the impulse weaponry used against the replicators in Stargate) and a turret version.
Naquadah, which is an ore that does not exist in this universe. It can be consumed like coal but every single piece of Naquadah has enough power to outlast 100.000 units of coal. Now that is not all that impressive, as 100k units of coal are kind of easy to make. Why yes my good sir. That is why you can destabilize Naquadah further in an assembling machine and then enrich it into Naquadriah. This bad boy is an isotope of Naquadah in the Stargate franchise and can outlast ZPMs (The batteries for Zero Point Energy). Now we are talking!
(still compiling list of more items!)
#2: still compiling... will edit this post in order to add more.
The following buildings can only be crafted and placed inside of the aura of a Deterministic Causality Enforcer.
#1: Future Calculator (working title, I know it sounds dumb)
This beauty is a radar tower. For those people who don't know, according to String Theory there are no probabilites and every future event can be foreseen. This is what it exists for. While this building is active, every single tile you have seen once will not have any fog of war, and will stay in sight even if you are far away. This building eats energy to calculate the future (and by proxy the present everywhere, but it can only work with known values and therefore does not lift the fog of areas you have never been to).
#2: still compiling... will edit this post in order to add more.
Okay folks, I just thought of this while walking to my work place!
Let's talk real end-end-endgame.
If you place the Dimensional Stabilizer, Quantum Actualizer and the Deterministic Causality Enforcer in a way that all three have an overlapping aura field, then Space/Time within this overlapping area is completely ripped apart. All three buildings are destroyed, and the overlapped area turns black, as if you have never been there. It also becomes impossible to walk into and cannot be explored again, it will stay black forever.
Now let's start with the fun part. Do we have Lovecraft fans here? CthulhuTech franchise fans too? Yes? You will LOVE THIS.
This area is a hole in the universe, and will act as a spawner for Monsters from Outer Space! This spawner will periodically spawn these monsters and every time it spawns them it has a chance to also spawn a boss monster. These can be anything from just stronger monsters to Harbinger-Level threats to dark Gods that are so powerful their will itself is a physical law which makes them almost impossible to stop.
Okay. So why would you ever build a spawner like this? Simple.
These monsters are the only way of getting Eldritch Artefacts, and the greater monsters (like harbingers and dark gods) are the only source of Anathema Artefacts.
These can be used to research Arcanotechnology, which enables you to make buildings and items that are a blend between magic and technology. I am still thinking about what kind of things you will be able to make, but you will definitely be able to enchant buildings and items to be better. ( I would write a lot more on this, but I am at work right now and will do so later

Too Long - Didn't Read (TL;DR): Three new buildings. They have aura like Roboport. Inside the auras you can place different buildings which do new interesting stuff. Placing the aura buildings close together destroys buildings and makes an indestructible superior monster spawner. These monsters are the only income of new artefacts. Can be used to research blend of magic/technology, which can be used to make even more interesting stuff.
I am open to suggestions! Please comment on this so I can get your opinions and add/change stuff.
Thank you guys for listening!
-omegasrevenge, out.