Explosives, Acids, Fuel.

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Explosives, Acids, Fuel.

Post by Fräädi »

Hallo Community
I was thinking about the possibility that in this game it would be challenging and fun, if u could create some production cycle for Chemicals. Since in modern and some older Technologys Chemistry has played a big role it would be nice to recreate some of these in factorio. I imagine some factorys conected by pipes which contain gases or liquids.

Some of the basic "Mining/Raffinating"-Facilities would be :

-Air Condenser; Produces O2 and N2; Needs Energy
-Steamreforming; Produces H2 perhaps O2; Needs Water
-Oil Raffination; Produces Fuel/Gases (Methan, Ethan etc.)/Parrafines etc.
-Mining salt; Produces Salt can be toggled to different kinds like Nitrate/Carbonate/Phosphate; must be build on a salt deposit on a lake;goods are transported on Belts

More advanced:

-Sulfur dioxid production; Produces SO2; Needs Coal and Sulfur
-Sulfuric acid; Produces Sulfuric acid;Needs SO2 and Water
-Haber process(amonnia);Produces ammonia; Needs Nitrogen and Oxygen
-Nitric acid;ProduNeeds Salt(Nitrate) and Water
-Explosives;Produce Higly potent Explosives :D ; Needs ammonia, Nitricacid and Fuel

These were just some ideas that would be possible and especially with oil-based products the quantaty of possibilitys is even bigger.
For example adding in plastik/polymere which could be used in Higher-Tech-Recipies.
Different kind of Fuel for Trains/Airships/Vehicles these could also be produced out of other substances (Deuterium/Hydrogen/Nuclear :twisted: )
The Oxygen could also be used to fertilize plants. :? For what ever reason.
I think this would be even funnier with the idea of the hidden ores. There could be materials for batteries etc.
With fuel some Flamethrower could be invented which is also applicable with turrets.
All proceses can be shortend if its needed.

I Imagine the pipes to be halve as a big as the current tubes for water. To indicate which substance is in this pipe a beaker or flask can be used or a color code as with the heated cold and medium warm water. Substances on the belt should be in gasbottles or barrels depending on their matter of state.

OK I am very interested in some of your opinions. And if this post only helped me in improving some of my chemical english so be it ;) .

Auf wiedersehn Freddy
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Re: Explosives, Acids, Fuel.

Post by mindreader »

Great idea dude! I do like to play around with fluids and gases.
Have few big explosions when staff got mixed in not proper way))) :P

Lets just hope those two guyz we all know about, would be actually able to make our dream come true 8-)
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Re: Explosives, Acids, Fuel.

Post by MF- »

Do you know the indie game "Spacechem"? It sounds quite a lot like it.
( http://store.zachtronicsindustries.com/ ... /spacechem )
There are also Android and iPad versions in his store.
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Re: Explosives, Acids, Fuel.

Post by Cordylus »

The chemical industry added in the 0.9.0, featuring oil rafination, sulfur, sulfuric acid, and explosives.
If I'm not wrong the hydrogen is planned for 0.12.

BTW. I like this idea with salt processing.
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Re: Explosives, Acids, Fuel.

Post by Natha »

some of the content (e.g. the new sulfur processing) are implemented in my mod ;) Check it out
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Re: Explosives, Acids, Fuel.

Post by Fräädi »

I NEVER imagined coming back to this Game just to see "nearly" all of my Ideas implemented.
Some of them even better that i could imagine.

Thank you for all the hard work everyone has done for this game. Devs aswell as Modders. :D
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Re: Explosives, Acids, Fuel.

Post by submissiveself »

Fräädi wrote:Hallo Community
I was thinking about the possibility that in this game it would be challenging and fun, if u could create some production cycle for Chemicals. Since in modern and some older Technologys Chemistry has played a big role it would be nice to recreate some of these in factorio. I imagine some factorys conected by pipes which contain gases or liquids.

Some of the basic "Mining/Raffinating"-Facilities would be :

-Air Condenser; Produces O2 and N2; Needs Energy
-Steamreforming; Produces H2 perhaps O2; Needs Water
-Oil Raffination; Produces Fuel/Gases (Methan, Ethan etc.)/Parrafines etc.
-Mining salt; Produces Salt can be toggled to different kinds like Nitrate/Carbonate/Phosphate; must be build on a salt deposit on a lake;goods are transported on Belts

More advanced:

-Sulfur dioxid production; Produces SO2; Needs Coal and Sulfur
-Sulfuric acid; Produces Sulfuric acid;Needs SO2 and Water
-Haber process(amonnia);Produces ammonia; Needs Nitrogen and Oxygen
-Nitric acid;ProduNeeds Salt(Nitrate) and Water
-Explosives;Produce Higly potent Explosives :D ; Needs ammonia, Nitricacid and Fuel

These were just some ideas that would be possible and especially with oil-based products the quantaty of possibilitys is even bigger.
For example adding in plastik/polymere which could be used in Higher-Tech-Recipies.
Different kind of Fuel for Trains/Airships/Vehicles these could also be produced out of other substances (Deuterium/Hydrogen/Nuclear :twisted: )
The Oxygen could also be used to fertilize plants. :? For what ever reason.
I think this would be even funnier with the idea of the hidden ores. There could be materials for batteries etc.
With fuel some Flamethrower could be invented which is also applicable with turrets.
All proceses can be shortend if its needed.

I Imagine the pipes to be halve as a big as the current tubes for water. To indicate which substance is in this pipe a beaker or flask can be used or a color code as with the heated cold and medium warm water. Substances on the belt should be in gasbottles or barrels depending on their matter of state.

OK I am very interested in some of your opinions. And if this post only helped me in improving some of my chemical english so be it ;) .

Auf wiedersehn Freddy
This is an idea. I always thought there is something missing in the game.
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Re: Explosives, Acids, Fuel.

Post by bobingabout »

Most of those are actually in bobs mods now too. Perhaps not exactly as described above, but the end results are in there.
Creator of Bob's mods. Expanding your gameplay since version 0.9.8.
I also have a Patreon.
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Re: Explosives, Acids, Fuel.

Post by rubik »

Fräädi wrote:Hallo Community
I was thinking about the possibility that in this game it would be challenging and fun, if u could create some production cycle for Chemicals. Since in modern and some older Technologys Chemistry has played a big role it would be nice to recreate some of these in factorio. I imagine some factorys conected by pipes which contain gases or liquids.
viewtopic.php?t=39635 like a post, you need to combine ideas, you get a large section of chemistry, organic and inorganic chemistry
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