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Version 0.15.14
Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 11:56 am
by FactorioBot
- Optimised beacon update times which helps especially when the power is not full and it fluctuates.
- Added support for using username and password for proxy connections.
- Changed technology sorting. All of the science pack types affect the order, not just the most expensive one. (48448)
- Leading and trainling whitespaces will be trimmed from host name or IP address entered to Direct Connect multiplayer dialog. (48489)
- Electric network info window shows all connected entities in the list and the graph even when they have 0 consuption/production. This means, that the count of entities connected to the network is shown even if they don't consume or produce.
- Electric poles that have 0 consumption as well as 0 production show empty electricity graph instead of full. (48513)
- Keypad enter is treated as regular enter (47100)
- All buttons apart the inventory/recipe/crafting queue and item selection slot react on mouse click instead of just mouse down.
- Fixed that mining drills would continue to insert into entities when moved far away. (48332)
- Fixed that right click and drag in the blueprint setup GUI didn't work to remove things from the blueprint. (48354)
- Fixed that blueprint icons couldn't be removed with right click. (48354)
- Fixed that right-clicking items in the crafting queue didn't work to cancel 5.
- Fixed window being created slightly offscreen on certain resolutions. (45998)
- Fixed that the edit field for a blueprint book would get reset when bots delivered items to the player. (47498)
- Fixed that inserter facing north was slower compared to other directions. (9141)
- Fixed that the solaris achievement ignored usage of steam-turbines. (48429)
- Fixed that setting logistic requests didn't work in the map editor. (48432)
- Fixed crash after dropping a blueprint into a book inside the blueprint library. (48518)
- Fixed loading blueprint library from before 0.15.4 might crash. (48506)
- Fixed a crash related to changing the rail system when signals get disconnected from blocks. (48555)
- Fixed that furnaces and assembling machines weren't rotatable with heat pipe connection. (48574)
- Fixed crash when using --load-game with an error in a mod. (48550)
- Fixed reading LuaCommandProcessor::commands when one of the help keys was empty. (48032)
- Fixed that disabled mods could change the mod event order.
- Fixed changing force of lab ghost would cause desync.
- Added LuaCustomGuiElement type "text-box".
Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at
Re: Version 0.15.14
Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 12:08 pm
by keyboardhack
- Optimised beacon update times which helps especially when the power is not full and it fluctuates.
- Electric network info window shows all connected entities in the list and the graph even when they have 0 consuption/production. This means, that the count of entities connected to the network is shown even if they don't consume or produce.
These two things are especially awesome!
Re: Version 0.15.14
Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 12:39 pm
by WhiteFang34
free service to run a Factorio server now automatically detects new releases. This version was available within 5 minutes of it being posted.
Re: Version 0.15.14
Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 12:56 pm
by Escadin
Thanks for the bug fixes and optimization. Geniuenly appreciated!
However, I cannot help but wonder what happened to "we're going to release more hd textures during the beta as they ready up" (paraphrasing)? Did I missunderstand that part?
Re: Version 0.15.14
Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 1:00 pm
by bobingabout
Escadin wrote:Thanks for the bug fixes and optimization. Geniuenly appreciated!
However, I cannot help but wonder what happened to "we're going to release more hd textures during the beta as they ready up" (paraphrasing)? Did I missunderstand that part?
we have received a couple already. I guess the focus is just more on bugfixing than anything else right now.
Re: Version 0.15.14
Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 1:05 pm
by Schorty
Escadin wrote:Thanks for the bug fixes and optimization. Geniuenly appreciated!
However, I cannot help but wonder what happened to "we're going to release more hd textures during the beta as they ready up" (paraphrasing)? Did I missunderstand that part?
Well, I guess, if they would have something finished already, they might have put it into this patch. On the other hand, they might have changed plans and just release all at once. Who knows?

Re: Version 0.15.14
Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 1:06 pm
by gghf
After today's update, my game crashed. I got an error dialogue, telling me to give you my log and game save. I have no idea exactly what caused the crash.
Log and Save: ... HSgMa?dl=0
Mods: RSO, Squeak Through, Nanobots: Early Bots, Autofill, Bottleneck, Upgrade Builder and Planner
I'll also add the dxdiag to the files.
Edit 1: For me at least, this crash is 100% repeatable. In this case, it's caused by the Nanobots mod and will crash the game every time I get close to a ghost it wants to revive. Others say the same happens with any deconstructions using the nanobots of this mod.
Edit 2: The .15.15 hotfix fixed the issue. No more crashes and Nanobots is re-enabled.
Re: Version 0.15.14
Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 1:09 pm
by boro
I'm getting very reproducable crashes as well. I'll try to upload my stuff.
Re: Version 0.15.14
Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 1:11 pm
by joon
gghf wrote:After today's update, my game crashed. I got an error dialogue, telling me to give you my log and game save. I have no idea exactly what caused the crash.
Log and Save: ... HSgMa?dl=0
Mods: RSO, Squeak Through, Nanobots: Early Bots, Autofill, Bottleneck, Upgrade Builder and Planner
I'll also add the dxdiag to the files.
Better make a report in the
bug report section. It might not get picked up properly here.
Re: Version 0.15.14
Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 1:21 pm
by Manron
FactorioBot wrote:
[*]Fixed that inserter facing north was slower compared to other directions. (
finally, after more than 2 years this gets fixed! Thanks!

Re: Version 0.15.14
Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 1:26 pm
by oLaudix
Code: Select all
Fixed that right click and drag in the blueprint setup GUI didn't work to remove things from the blueprint.
Fixed that blueprint icons couldn't be removed with right click.
Thank the heavens. This was annoying the crap out of me.
Re: Version 0.15.14
Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 1:40 pm
by leoch
boro wrote:I'm getting very reproducable crashes as well. I'll try to upload my stuff.
Wasn't just me then. Trying to build rails in my case, and got "Invalid pan value (error code: 255)" printed a lot on the console.
Re: Version 0.15.14
Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 2:09 pm
by tamanous
Awesome. Thanks a lot!
Re: Version 0.15.14
Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 2:18 pm
by MrGrim
Holy crap! The way that north facing inserter bug got fixed is epic as hell!

Re: Version 0.15.14
Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 3:29 pm
by orzelek
Any info if there is a hotfix planned - it seems that this version is pretty crashy?
Re: Version 0.15.14
Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 3:33 pm
by MasterBuilder
posila wrote:Thanks for the report.
Hotfix 0.15.15 is on the way.
Re: Version 0.15.14
Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 4:36 pm
by tk0421
very happy to see the click-drag in blueprint creation was fixed, thats been causing me a lot of headache the last couple days as almost all ive been doing is building up/revising personal libraries.
Re: Version 0.15.14
Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 5:00 pm
by bobingabout
No idea what is going on, but this is very odd. 2 save games from 2 seconds apart, 1 crashes, the other doesn't.
I can't remember why I even did that.
Re: Version 0.15.14
Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 9:27 pm
by xBlizzDevious
FactorioBot wrote:Optimised beacon update times which helps especially when the power is not full and it fluctuates.
So is this what's causing my beacons to consume all of the power even when there are no modules in them?
They always used to be stationary and not consume power when there were no modules. Now my base draws 350MW just from empty beacons!
Re: Version 0.15.14
Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 11:40 pm
by bobingabout
xBlizzDevious wrote:FactorioBot wrote:Optimised beacon update times which helps especially when the power is not full and it fluctuates.
So is this what's causing my beacons to consume all of the power even when there are no modules in them?
They always used to be stationary and not consume power when there were no modules. Now my base draws 350MW just from empty beacons!
sounds broken. did you report it in the bug reporting forum?