Map Radar Selection

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Map Radar Selection

Post by jacob814 »

Just like how pollution, turret coverage, etc can be toggled for map view, there should be another toggle for radar coverage, etc.

What ?
In more detail, I am suggesting a feature to show radar coverage ( let me make this clear, not the area it will scan but rather what it shows in real time). I envision when toggled on, it will show all radar coverage with an opaque blue color. It would also show each of the radar stations with, let's say, a white dot. I believe this would be extremely useful when laying out radars. This feature could also toggle on automatically in the main view (without the map pulled up) when placing a radar so you know the boundaries of the previous radars.

This could be expanded on even further by also showing a black border of the next chunk you should place a radar for maximum efficiency of a radar. Kinda like this:

I am no graphic designer so this is only an example. I believe the devs could implement this a lot better.

If you have other ideas or suggestions about this I would love to hear it and may add it to the post. Thanks for reading.
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Re: Map Radar Selection

Post by Ingolifs »

This is already in the game. It appears slightly lighter on the map, you may have to remove pollution and logistics to see it.
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Re: Map Radar Selection

Post by Lav »

Not quite. The area around the players has the same effect, which is a bit annoying when you're trying to build a 100% coverage radar grid.

And if your radars are powered by solar energy, they will turn off during the night - but it would be great if their nominal coverage was still displayed.
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Re: Map Radar Selection

Post by Impatient »

I second this feature request. Would be nice to see the location of a radar station and the inner and outer covered area.
A little Rant
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Re: Map Radar Selection

Post by JohnyDL »

The third type of player is the radar troll who can either be clever and place radar 5 chunks apart in a grid draining the power by stealth that is hard to tell or by nesting in a few out of the way sites using the excessive power drain of radar early game to kill the energy used by the other players, it's easier to find the nests thanks to the power grid but at a glance seeing radar are too close is kind of tricky
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