Just like how pollution, turret coverage, etc can be toggled for map view, there should be another toggle for radar coverage, etc.What ?
In more detail, I am suggesting a feature to show radar coverage ( let me make this clear, not the area it will scan but rather what it shows in real time). I envision when toggled on, it will show all radar coverage with an opaque blue color. It would also show each of the radar stations with, let's say, a white dot. I believe this would be extremely useful when laying out radars. This feature could also toggle on automatically in the main view (without the map pulled up) when placing a radar so you know the boundaries of the previous radars.This could be expanded on even further by also showing a black border of the next chunk you should place a radar for maximum efficiency of a radar. Kinda like this:
I am no graphic designer so this is only an example. I believe the devs could implement this a lot better.
If you have other ideas or suggestions about this I would love to hear it and may add it to the post. Thanks for reading.