[MOD WIP 2.0.10] MtF- Mod

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[MOD WIP 2.0.10] MtF- Mod

Post by drs9999 »

Hello everone!

I want to present you my first Mod. It called the More than Forestry Mod. The basic idea was to build a renewable energy-source, so i decided to do it minecraft-style. setting up a treefarm, harvest the wood and produce charcoal, that is used to power the stuff.

But nope... That was too simple.

So I added Fertilizer that is needed to "produce" wood.
How you can make fertilizer?
(Not) as easy as pie... First of all you need a Crusher that produce crushed stone.
Crushed stone is used in chemistry-labs in connection with science-pack 1 to produce Calcium, Nitrogen or Phosphate. One of each + science-pack 2 is needed to produce fertilizer.

Now you have your wood production running the last step is to create charcoal. just put the wood in a cokery. et voila, a (renewable) energy-source.
You are also able to produce regular coal from charcoal.
prodline.png (1.02 MiB) Viewed 13074 times
Also it adds the following stuff:

Big electric pole: doubles the distance between connected Poles (15 Blocks); have the same radius for connected machines(2 Blocks)
Coaldust: is used for Carbonplates that are used for Kevlararmor
Kevlararmor: very strong armor, you wont take damage from gunturrets & same durability then heavy armor)
Nanobot Fab: An upgrade of the Assembling-Machine-2; it is ridiculous fast, but need a huge amount of energy as well

Except for the electric poles you have to do some research for the stuff.

Summary, this Mod adds:
- 4 new fields of research
- 5 new buildings
- 9 new items
- 1 armor
- big electric poles


- renamed the mod
- balancing
- changed cokery texture & size
- added recipes for: - Charcoal -> Coal
- new Items: Coaldust, Carbonplates, Nanobots
- added big Electric-Pole
- added Kevlararmor
- added Nanobot- Research
- added Nanobotassemblymachine

-changed most of the textures and building sizes
- adjust power consumption

- animated textures for each building ( when it comes to graphics i have two left feet, so any volunteers are welcome ;) )

Any suggestions, tipps, wishes, ideas would be very nice.

MtF-Mod v0.3.zip
(1.75 MiB) Downloaded 409 times
Last edited by drs9999 on Fri Mar 08, 2013 10:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [MOD WIP 2.0.10] KoF- Mod

Post by kovarex »

I will have a look at this later, I guess you are the first one to take advantage of the recipe categories.

It isn't renewable, when you need stone and science pack to produce fertilizer?

Practically nothing is renewable in Factorio now, but it will change :)
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Re: [MOD WIP 2.0.10] KoF- Mod

Post by Heinrich »

This is pretty awesome, I love having new content for the game. At the moment there isn't much to do after blue packs, despite going bigger. With mods like this there is always something to create.

First think which came to my mind when i saw your post was: How about actually growing trees and not "assemble" them in the Biosphere. I did some testing with entities/lua script with the following result:
Field_Example.JPG (46.1 KiB) Viewed 13080 times
A container looking like a field and some lua script which creates trees on it - which can be choped down by the player. Of course it needs some polish, but it's working in principle.

Code: Select all

game.oninit = function()
  -- initialize variables
  glob.field = nil
  glob.tickCount = 0


game.onevent = function(event)

  -- do stuff here ..

  -- store last created field
  if event.name == "onbuiltentity" and event.createdentity.name =="field" then
    glob.field = event.createdentity
  -- try growing trees every second
  if event.name == "ontick" then
    glob.tickCount = glob.tickCount + 1
    if glob.tickCount % 60 == 0 and glob.field ~= nil then

      -- random tree position
      local pos = {}
      pos.x = glob.entity.position.x + math.random(1, 7)
      pos.y = glob.entity.position.y + math.random(1, 7)

      -- new tree
      game.createentity{name="dry-tree", position = pos}

There needs to be a mechanism to store and process multiple fields and it should cap the tree count somehow. A check for stored resources (like Fertilizers) has to be implemented, or it could be a "pipe", wich needs water to grow trees. There is also no recipe at the moment, and the image has to be pretty large with lots of white space to prevent growing trees "under" the sprite.

Maybe you can add something like this to your mod, it would be great.
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Re: [MOD WIP 2.0.10] KoF- Mod

Post by drs9999 »

I just uploaded an updated version. First of all things look much better now ;)

I just saw your post after i finished this version. The idea sounds great!

But i dont like the idea to chop down the trees manually. So maybe it is possible to implement the Field as a chest (like you did) and only if there is fertilizer in it the tress spawn, after a while the grown trees chopped down (deleted) by the game and insert some raw wood into the container.
I think that should be doable, the problem i see here is that it could be possible that the container is full of fertilizer after a while, so there is no space to put the wood. maybe its possible to implement 2 seperate chests into one entity?

Also i thought about a way to "grow" trees in the biosphere without fertilizer, but this should be much slower. so is there a way to change the production time of an item, for now i work with the effectivity attribute of the buildings to adjust the crafting speed. Another question is if it is possible to create two recipes that outputs the same item.
A solution could be to add a new building, that looks more old fashioned (like your field) and used his own recipe-category.

And i thought about to get rid of the cokery. its very easy to implement a recipe to create the charcoal in a stone furnance. If you do it manually it works perfect, but if you try to automate it the inserters put the wood only in the fuel slot. So is there a way to force the inserters to put the wood in the upper slot?

EDIT: Its sadly not possible to create more than one recipe for an item :(
But i managed to adjust the craftig speed. its the "energy-required"- attribute in the recipe
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Re: [MOD WIP 2.0.10] KoF- Mod

Post by ficolas »

now that there is a mod to do it I dont feel like doing it...
but I liked more my idea
(with a lua script, a place where they grow naturally, using energy, and with fertilicer they grow x2 faster, but still very random.
Also, the way of doing it, is the script places seeds, the seeds randomly grow to stage 1, then stage 2, and then they are chopped.
The hardest part is the fertilicer, but I have an idea, and its awesome.
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Re: [MOD WIP 2.0.10] MtF- Mod

Post by drs9999 »

I just uploaded an updated version.
Most important was the balancing. I tested it with a productionline similar to then one from the startpost + boiler and it is able to power itself + a nice surplus of coal
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