As it is, Tanks are a very strong object. Early game that is,
but if you amp up the alien settings, or get far in the game with a lot of pollution,
(based on play style of course) the tank will usually only be good as a meat shield.
My suggestion is making a late game Tank Mk.2, which has a similar inventory as to the Power Armor Mk.2.
You could attach shields, miniature reactors (as apposed to the TINY ones you get for power armor ;^) ) to replace the fuel requirement and for excess energy, maybe beef up the tanks armor a bit, to make it stronger, miniature drone stations with like, 25 drone max for its repair, maybe even a late game BIO-Mesh so it'll automatically regenerate health.
But that's just a reference...
a GAME reference ;^)
love you all stay safe
Tank Mk.2
Moderator: ickputzdirwech
Re: Tank Mk.2
Added to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=14640 New Weapons / New Defenses & Armor / Combat / Turrets
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: Tank Mk.2
I agree that some kind of Tank Mk2 would be nice. I would actually prefer this to the Spidertron, that was announced to possibly be implemented in version 0.16.
Re: Tank Mk.2
Tank is so OP as it is... NOPE.
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