Strange graphic behavior

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Strange graphic behavior

Post by LethargicChii »

So I'm using blender to create my own custom entity for my Rocket Turret mod and as you can see with use of the base gun turret it's still very much WIP. Currently the entity works okay-ish, but is a bit glitchy and gets cut off sometimes and the shadow is not right. I've set the resolution for the camera in blender to x:49 Y:89 to match the width and height of a vanilla gun turret shadow.
rocket-turret-gun-extenstion-shadow.png (2.81 KiB) Viewed 1131 times
Above is my shadow sprite sheet. First off I can't get the mod to launch if I set the X and Y to 49, 89. I can set the X to 49, but anything above 66 Y causes the mod to fail to load. I get a nice little error that reads:

The given sprite position (left_top = 272x0) is completely outside the actual sprite image (size=265x372)
Sprite name:__rocket_turret__/graphics/entity/rocket-turret-gun-extension-shadow.png

It will load if I set the Y lower, but, it looks all funky:
Capture.PNG (495.79 KiB) Viewed 1131 times
The shadow sprite gets cut off. And if you notice there is some weird issue with the circled turret. All the rest look fine, but, this one is shifted way down. I don't understand the "shift =" code very well so if someone could explain it to me, maybe I could fix these issues?

Here is the code for my entity:

Code: Select all

function rocket_turret_extension(inputs)
  filename = "__rocket_turret__/graphics/entity/rocket-turret/rocket-turret-gun-extension.png",
  priority = "medium",
  width = 65,
  height = 63,
  direction_count = 4,
  frame_count = inputs.frame_count and inputs.frame_count or 5,
  line_length = inputs.line_length and inputs.line_length or 0,
  run_mode = inputs.run_mode and inputs.run_mode or "forward",
  shift = {0.015625, -0.859375},
  axially_symmetrical = false

function rocket_turret_extension_shadow(inputs)
  filename = "__rocket_turret__/graphics/entity/rocket-turret/rocket-turret-gun-extenstion-shadow.png",
  width = 66,
  height = 49,
  direction_count = 4,
  frame_count = inputs.frame_count and inputs.frame_count or 5,
  line_length = inputs.line_length and inputs.line_length or 0,
  run_mode = inputs.run_mode and inputs.run_mode or "forward",
  shift = {1.20313, 0.015625},
  axially_symmetrical = false,
  draw_as_shadow = true

function rocket_turret_attack(inputs)
  layers =
      width = 66,
      height = 64,
      frame_count = inputs.frame_count and inputs.frame_count or 2,
      axially_symmetrical = false,
      direction_count = 64,
      shift = {0, -0.875},
      stripes =
          filename = "__rocket_turret__/graphics/entity/rocket-turret/rocket-turret-gun-1.png",
          width_in_frames = inputs.frame_count and inputs.frame_count or 2,
          height_in_frames = 32,
          filename = "__rocket_turret__/graphics/entity/rocket-turret/rocket-turret-gun-2.png",
          width_in_frames = inputs.frame_count and inputs.frame_count or 2,
          height_in_frames = 32,
      width = 91,
      height = 50,
      frame_count = inputs.frame_count and inputs.frame_count or 2,
      axially_symmetrical = false,
      direction_count = 64,
      shift = {1.23438, 0},
      draw_as_shadow = true,
      stripes =
          filename = "__rocket_turret__/graphics/entity/rocket-turret/rocket-turret-gun-shadow-1.png",
          width_in_frames = inputs.frame_count and inputs.frame_count or 2,
          height_in_frames = 32,
          filename = "__rocket_turret__/graphics/entity/rocket-turret/rocket-turret-gun-shadow-2.png",
          width_in_frames = inputs.frame_count and inputs.frame_count or 2,
          height_in_frames = 32,

    type = "ammo-turret",
    name = "rocket-turret",
    icon = "__rocket_turret__/graphics/icons/rocket-turret.png",
    flags = {"placeable-player", "player-creation"},
    minable = {mining_time = 0.5, result = "rocket-turret"},
    max_health = 1000,
	resistances =
			type = "physical",
			decrease = 2,
			percent = 0
			type = "explosion",
			decrease = 5,
			percent = 90,
			type = "fire",
			decrease = 0,
			percent = 100,
    corpse = "medium-remnants",
    collision_box = {{-0.7, -0.7 }, {0.7, 0.7}},
    selection_box = {{-1, -1 }, {1, 1}},
    rotation_speed = 0.015,
    preparing_speed = 0.08,
    folding_speed = 0.08,
    dying_explosion = "medium-explosion",
    inventory_size = 1,
    automated_ammo_count = 10,
    attacking_speed = 0.5,
	turret_base_has_direction = true,
    folded_animation = 
      layers =
        rocket_turret_extension{frame_count=1, line_length = 1},
        rocket_turret_extension_shadow{frame_count=1, line_length = 1}
    preparing_animation = 
      layers =
    prepared_animation = rocket_turret_attack{frame_count=1},
    attacking_animation = rocket_turret_attack{},
    folding_animation = 
      layers = 
        rocket_turret_extension{run_mode = "backward"},
        rocket_turret_extension_shadow{run_mode = "backward"}
    base_picture =
      layers =
          filename = "__rocket_turret__/graphics/entity/rocket-turret/rocket-turret-base.png",
          priority = "high",
          width = 90,
          height = 75,
          axially_symmetrical = false,
          direction_count = 1,
          frame_count = 1,
          shift = {0, -0.046875},
    vehicle_impact_sound =  { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact.ogg", volume = 0.65 },
    attack_parameters =
      type = "projectile",
      ammo_category = "rocket",
      cooldown = 80,
      projectile_creation_distance = 1.39375,
      projectile_center = {0, -0.0875}, -- same as gun_turret_attack shift
      shell_particle =
        name = "shell-particle",
        direction_deviation = 0.1,
        speed = 0.1,
        speed_deviation = 0.03,
        center = {-0.0625, 0},
        creation_distance = -1.925,
        starting_frame_speed = 0.2,
        starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0.1
      range = 28,
	  min_range = 8,
	  turn_range = .45,
      sound = 
				filename = "__base__/sound/fight/rocket-launcher.ogg",
				volume = 0.5

    call_for_help_radius = 40
My Mods:
Rocket Turret
Discussion Forum: viewtopic.php?f=93&t=47497

Ask me about blender! I don't know a lot, but, I can try and help.

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Joined: Fri Dec 23, 2016 5:19 pm

Re: Strange graphic behavior

Post by LethargicChii »

For anyone interested, I figured out the issue. It seems when I use blender and set the resolution to the numbers seen in the code for width and height (X and Y in blender) and then use spritify addon in blender that the sprite sheet will not come out at the exact resolution as the base games sprite sheets for the gun turret. So I have here a list of relevant X and Y that you can use if creating your own turret extension and shadows sheets and you run into the same odd issue:

turret-extension = x61 y59
turret-gun-1 & -2 x62 y60
extension-shadow x85 y45

The shadow one you may have to actually scale your model down and or re-position it to center view of the camera. I hope this helps someone out there :D

Edit: A Y value was incorrect
My Mods:
Rocket Turret
Discussion Forum: viewtopic.php?f=93&t=47497

Ask me about blender! I don't know a lot, but, I can try and help.

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