Small QOL change for corpse looting

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Small QOL change for corpse looting

Post by crelling »

First of all, I love the fact that I can now loot my corpse after I die.
This said, there is a small change that would provide a huge quality of life change when you are getting your items back from your corpse.

The way it is now, it seems you loot your items somewhat randomly, and when you loose your extra inventory slots from no longer having your armor equiped, you have to dump items on the ground or in a chest untill you can loot and equip your armor.
I suggest that the armor should always be the first item to be looted, thus ensouring you can loot everything in one go.

As an extra bonus, it would also be amazing if the item placement in the inventory was saved, so I didn't have to shuffle all my weapons around when fixing my item layout ;)
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