Name: High Voltage
Description: Manage local and distant power distribution networks
License: MIT
Version: 0.0.4
Release: 2017-05-06
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.15.x
Website: Forum Thread

Manage your local network

Manage your local network! Anything too far from a powerbox will refuse to work.
A small pole is less efficient than a medium one and will result in a smaller network!
You cannot connect multiple local networks directly, so plan ahead.
Power over distance

You can connect two power boxes via the high voltage network: via a transformer and a series of large poles with red wire. You can only connect two transformers with one-another, so plan ahead.

Transforming energy takes an efficiency penalty: one side has to produce more energy than the other can consume. Don't go wild with series of transformers! Distance is also a factor: at a large tile distance, efficiency can be as bad as 50%, meaning your very distant laser grid requires 200% of the regular energy to shoot. Either put down more power lines (even more expensive) or make your energy locally.
In the example above, the radar consumes a tidy 300kW, but the solar farm has to produce 316kW because of conversion cost. At a large distance, the farm would have to create 600kW or even more.
Note that you need red wire, which requires the circuit network research, and the big electric pole, which requires the Electric energy distribution. That means in the initial game you will have to power your smaller networks with individual steam turbines and only when have researched these elements connect them. Is that fun steampunk greatness or tedious madness? I don't quite know yet, I've only just made this.
The game can crash at any time. I have no idea what performance will do if you build 1000 transformers. Here be dragons.
You cannot load this into an existing save. The mod currently has to add meta-data for every pole (&c) and this is not done automagically in existing saves.
Transformers technically can be placed anywhere, they will eventually be limited to near a power box.
There is no localisation yet, the items are all craftable with 1 coal 1 plate. I haven't really thought of balancing yet.
Feel free to poke around in the lua. I used up a bundle of free time on this (and on the game) so my development will be a bit patchy. I hope this is a fun initial release!