Hi there devs,
first off, the update is awesome.
The issue i'm reporting is the following : in the zoomed-in map view, blueprint are not placed far from the player until you hold the click button, and then move the mouse. An alternative way is to hold Maj while using the blueprint.
What did you do?
I left clicked on the map with a blueprint on hand, far from my player position.
What happened?
The blueprint didn't place itself until i moved the mouse
What did you expect to happen instead?
The blueprint placing itself after a simple left click.
Thanks for the superb work otherwise !
[0.15.1] Blueprint at map view placed by moving the mouse
Re: [0.15.1] Blueprint at map view placed by moving the mouse
Hi, thanks for the report.
This should be fixed in current version (0.15.6).
This should be fixed in current version (0.15.6).