I was having trouble validating the use of Angel's Smelting options, so I did some math.
This is the basis that I was working from. Getting 1750 Iron Per Minute.
Now for this calculation I was trying to focus on Initial Iron cost. So for argument's sake I am ignoring power usage for now, but it is obvious that power usage can result in a big problem.
Here follows some math:
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11 x Ore Processing (10)
6 x Pellet Press (10)
32 x Blast Furnace (55) (10 steel = 50 iron + 5 from pipes) (10 steel = 20 iron if `bobmods.config.plates.CheaperSteel = true` in bobconfig [Default])
52 x Induction Furnace (10)
78 x Casting Machines (10)
So adding this all up:
(11x10)+(6x10)+(32x55)+(52x10)+(75x10) = 3230 Iron
When cheaper steel is on:
(11x10)+(6x10)+(32x25)+(52x10)+(75x10) = 2210 Iron
So lets calculate how much time it would take for the setup to pay for itself with the extra iron you will get from it:
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933 ore gives 1750 iron.
1750 - 933 = 817 iron gained per minute
3230 / 817 = 3.95
So it will take approx. 4 min. to pay for the initial investment! (with cheaper steel off)
The other thing that you need to consider is energy cost, inserter's iron and energy cost and space.
My hunch is that he inserter's iron cost will be covered in at least 2 - 5 min. extra.
So there is 3 variables that we still need to account for:
- Energy Cost
- Space
- Build time
To quantify those three is difficult, but energy cost seems the most straight forward. Space and Build time can also be a deal breakers, depending on the situation and the value that the player attach to it.
If you want to, please go over my calculations and tell me where I messed up. I plan to do power calculations soonish as well, and will post them in the topic when I get around to it.
My conclusion is this: It is worth it from a iron standpoint, but the space and build time is pretty hard deal breakers for me. The infrastructure needed to support that amount of power is also insane, and pollution will be out the wazoo. For me, I don't think I will use these yet, Maybe I will for steel production, but some math will need to be done before I commit to that.
Also, I heard in the pipeline (and because the smelting mod is relatively new) that there will be balance changes. I cannot confirm yet, but it make sense. I hope to use this topic as a way to help Angel when deciding on where to balance.
Kind Regards
Edit: Added calculations for cheaper steal true