[14.22] Cannot use scroll wheel for mods/duplicate binds

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[14.22] Cannot use scroll wheel for mods/duplicate binds

Post by aaargha »

I was tinkering on a zoom mod and wanted to use the scroll wheel for it. I can bind it in options but nothing happens when I use it.
Unbinding it from any other binding makes no difference.
Using any other key seems to work just fine.

Might also be related: Using the scroll wheel for duplicate binds does not seem to work. If I bind 'A' to both 'toggle map' and 'move left' it will both open/close the map and move the map/character. If I use the scrollwheel instead it only toggles the map.
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Re: [14.22] Cannot use scroll wheel for mods/duplicate binds

Post by Rseding91 »

The scroll wheel has custom logic around it to prevent things like scrolling in a GUI from zooming the game or zooming the game from scrolling GUIs. As such it has this side effect.

I don't consider it worth the time to completely rework the controls system to work around this.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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