My suggested settings for modded Bob game

Some mods, made by Bob. Basically streaks every Factroio-area.

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My suggested settings for modded Bob game

Post by xeln4g4 »

Finally ... i did it!

It took me exactly 3 days 19 minutes and 26 seconds to launch missile and research all technologies (way too much, i am sure a good player can do it in less than 1 day)! But you know ... I took my time, no hurry, i checked for things and learn the logic behind this wonderful modification, i think i can get a chemistry degree now, (plus setting the Reactor with the uraniun stuff ... wasn't easy to me!). Moreover, i had a problem with galena which was pretty rare, don't know if it's setting or it was just my map ... ahh and don't forget the biters ... oh biters will bother you ... all the time, i tell you). After 500+ hours of gameplay i can still say i am pretty noob and insist with almost pure spaghetti build (that's why the 3 days ...), but i guess i am not cleaver enought or just too lazy, for a nice MAIN BUS build :) The potentials with the mod are huge, when you get things up and running it's really OP, beside i didn't use modules above level 3 and actually stick on tier 3 tech (MK2).

I took some time before starting to play a modded game, as i knew i would invest some time in it, using Bob's mod, so i fine tuned the list of mods to include and i have to say i was very satisfied with my choices.
This was the list of the mod i used for it (NOTE: NO PEACEFUL SETTING, arghhhhhh, Biters are annoying ...):

Alien-biomes_0.1.6 (my absolute favorite!)
Autorun_0.0.1 (broken mod ... don't use this, when you run you get awful sound and run is "weird")
Base_Mod 0.14.21
Bio_Industries_1.4.8 (Really nice one, when you research advanced fertilizer ... it's wood party! Didn't use the Bio Cannon yet, but it looks promising!)
bobelectronics_0.14.0 (Headache incoming ...)
bobelectronics_gfxtweak_0.14.0 ("give a more vanilla friendly look to electronic components" i liked this)
bobenemies_0.14.0 (They hurt, more than before but the player has still the edge on them)
boblocale_0.14.8 (You can skip this, i don't know why i had it on)
bobmodules_0.14.2 (Another incoming headache ...)
bobores_0.14.0 (Titanium is white, soooo white ...)
bobtech_0.14.0 (You might be feeling like you want to kill this Bob guy ...)
bobwarfare_0.14.2 (The improved tank is .... yeahhhh!)
Fastforward-Start_0.14.1 ("Skip first hours", this is a bit OP, too many trains from the start, which i actually almost didn't use thought, but it really help to get things going pretty fast. Very easy to adjust if u find it too easy).
FixedLampTexture_1.0.3 (You not gonna play with "ugly" lamp, are you?!)
Flow Control_2.1.2 (This is reccomended)
MapLabels_0.14.0 (Another ... never without)
MoonTracks_1.0.0 (background Music)
RailTanker_1.4.0 (This is so nice to see! You get tons of crude oil when train arrive!)
Reactors_1.6.0 (You make this working ... you win already, if you are not familiar with combinators like me ... oh oh ... anyway this is satisfying and help me understand something about combinators)
ShinyBob_0.14.6 (if u get wrong colour for Assemblers just put the section off in the config)
Warehousing_0.0.11 (This maybe redundant with Bobs Logistic, but i would reccomend it, it gives you a big help on the mess you are going to face ... at least you have a place for all those bypass products!)
Wind_Turbine_0.3.0 (Wind what?! Didn't use this ... Nuccccccleaaaar power all the way!!!)

I put them down because i think my game was very well balanced, so if you look for a combination to try a modded game (keeping the vanilla taste as far as it's possible) or a Bob modded game, this might suite for you! I put BIO INDUSTRIES instead of Bob greenhouse, and i reccomend everyone to do so (they have perfect compatibility and fit very well with Bob's mod) they really add some touch to the game (like Alien Biome which is my favorite on the aesthetics side!)

What to say, it's really an outstanding mod, i had a lot of fun (beside i am likely to divorce .... my gf is sooo angry ...), i think i will keep playing this map for another huge amount of hours, i want to try every single weapons and thing that was put in the game, and want to beat the hell out of the fucking biters now! My base is completely walled with a lot of space and ... i am happy man!

What else?! Oh yes! I haven't clicked on launch missile yet! Guess i should add some additional seconds!

If you try this setting don't hesitate, come and humiliate me with your much better time (after launch i had 72h:19m:57s!) :D

One last note ... don't be scared by the total time ... really, you can do much much better pretty easily, i put speed modules tier 3 on research only at the end and the research just FLY with this ... not to tell you you can reach tier 8 with speed modules (and other modules) ...

Have fun! And thanks to all the modders above, you have done a great job, no crash, no problems!

Xel (now a single man ;) )
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