There seems to be only two ways to fix this. I can close and restart factorio. Or, if I close the window I alt-tabbed to, then return to the game, the items become clickable again.
log file
Code: Select all
0.000 2017-01-22 14:12:01; Factorio 0.14.21 (build 25327, linux64, alpha)
0.085 Operating system: Linux (LinuxMint 18)
0.085 Program arguments: "/home/ihenn/Desktop/factorio/bin/x64/factorio"
0.085 Read data path: /home/ihenn/Desktop/factorio/data
0.085 Write data path: /home/ihenn/Desktop/factorio
0.085 Binaries path: /home/ihenn/Desktop/factorio/bin
0.094 System info: [CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3517U CPU @ 1.90GHz, 4 cores, RAM: 5853MB]
0.097 Display options: [FullScreen: 1] [VSync: 0] [UIScale: 100%] [MultiSampling: OFF] [Screen: 255]
0.227 Available display adapters: 1
0.227 [0]: resolution 1920x1080px at [0,0]
0.227 Create display on adapter 0. Size 1280x720 at position [310, 162].
0.552 Initialised OpenGL:[0] GeForce GT 620M/PCIe/SSE2; driver: 4.4.0 NVIDIA 340.98
0.553 Video memory size (dedicated/total available/current available): 1024/1024/734 MB
0.588 Graphics options: [Graphics quality: low] [Video memory usage: high] [Light scale: 25%] [DXT: auto]
0.669 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
0.676 Loading mod base 0.14.21 (data.lua)
0.767 Loading mod rso-mod 2.3.3 (data.lua)
0.831 Loading mod Bottleneck 0.6.2 (data.lua)
0.901 Loading mod rso-mod 2.3.3 (data-updates.lua)
0.965 Loading mod Squeak Through 1.1.6 (data-updates.lua)
1.029 Checksum for core: 1291735968
1.029 Checksum for mod base: 786624017
1.030 Checksum for mod rso-mod: 922899904
1.030 Checksum for mod Bottleneck: 4008105457
1.030 Checksum for mod Squeak Through: 1088258958
1.412 Info PlayerData.cpp:55: Local player-data.json available, timestamp 1485115680
1.412 Info PlayerData.cpp:62: Cloud player-data.json unavailable
1.505 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
1.507 Created atlas bitmap 16384x1946
1.511 Created atlas bitmap 4096x4096
1.511 Created atlas bitmap 4096x700
1.512 Created atlas bitmap 4096x912
1.513 Created atlas bitmap 4096x1052
13.372 Sprites loaded
13.372 Convert atlas 4096x4096 to: compressed
14.271 Convert atlas 4096x700 to: compressed
14.393 Convert atlas 4096x912 to: trilinear-filtering
14.429 Convert atlas 4096x1052 to: mipmap
14.473 Loading sounds...
16.126 Custom inputs active: 2
16.127 Info Updater.cpp:749: Downloading<private>&apiVersion=2
16.652 0 packages available to download (experimental updates disabled).
16.688 Factorio initialised
21.844 Loading map /home/ihenn/Desktop/factorio/saves/factory
21.846 Error FileUtil.cpp:284: Can't remove /home/ihenn/Desktop/factorio/temp/currently-playing: No such file or directory
21.866 Info Scenario.cpp:152: Map version 0.14.21-0
22.384 Checksum for script /home/ihenn/Desktop/factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 1057114497
22.395 Checksum for script __rso-mod__/control.lua: 1723278930
22.397 Checksum for script __Bottleneck__/control.lua: 539679015
40.930 Goodbye