I've been experimenting with setting the turn_range under attack_parameters on ammo-turrets.
It works perfectly if turn_range is set at .25 or lower. The turret will only engage and fire at target enemies that fall within the green.
However, if the turn_range is larger than .25, the turret can rotate itself if the target would fall within the green area from various orientations.
Here is a quick test with a gun turret with turn_range set to .5. There is a potential target circled in red.
I plop the turret facing north. As soon as it engages the target, it rotates itself to the west, and remains at that orientation after the target is destroyed.
Perhaps there is another setting I'm over looking? It would be great if I could get turn_range to work the same way on ammo-turrets as it does on fluid-turrets.