Another Filter inserter based factory build

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Another Filter inserter based factory build

Post by huliosh »

- Simple and compact. Only 7 combinators in total.
- Can set the item ratios.

- Would stop when item is missing. Solution is to replace item set CC combinator to DC filter with threshold for each item and connect inputs to chest. I.e.: If Iron > (inserter count * inserter stack = 18) Then Iron = 1
- Can't change the item priority.
- No custom inserter activation delay. Sometimes you want to use pulse generator. Solution is pretty straight forward. Just make a generator and use input from memory cell.
smart_factory_new.jpg (487.91 KiB) Viewed 2475 times
CC - Constant combinator
DC - Decider combinator
AC - Arithmetic combinator
2 CC, 3 DC, 2 AC

How it works:
To make it simplier, I'll split combinators into 5 sections: Item set, Auto reset, Memory cell, Subtraction and Filter inserter settings.
Item set:
Includes list of items. Ratios are integer. So if you have 1:1.5 recipe ratio, then you have to convert it to 2:3.
Combinators: 1 CC.
Item set picture
Auto reset:
It's constantly checking items in cycle. If there is no items left in memory, then it will generate a pulse of item set for the next cycle.
Combinators: 1 CC, 2 DC. Uses Black variable.
CC sends Black variable as -1 to the 1st DC.
1st DC is a pulse generator. If Black variable = 0, then pass Everything. The output is connected to memory cell and 2nd DC.
2nd DC is checking the memory. If everything < 0, Then it's sending Black variable as 1 to the 1st DC.
Here is the logic:
While 2nd DC is waiting for the empty memory, CC combinator is sending -1 to the 1st. But the 1st is waiting for the value 0. Once 2nd DC sends 1 (1+(-1)=0), the 1st DC passing everything to memory... 2nd DC is waiting for empty memory in the next cycle. I hope it makes sense.
Auto reset wires picture
Auto reset values picture
Memory cell:
Counts the current item list in cycle.
Combinators: 1 CC, 1 DC. Uses Red variable.
CC with Red variable 1 is set to off. Very useful combinator. You can stop(switch on) or reset the cycle(switch on and off).
DC is looped. It's working as a counter. While Red variable = 0, sends everything with input count. Very useful to check the cycle item list.
Memory cell picture
Reads the hand contents of main inserter and sends negative value to memory cell to exclude current item from the list.
Combinators: 2 AC. No variables, just passing each value.
1st AC multiplies by -1.
2nd AC is adding -2.
Subtraction picture
Filter inserter settings:
No combinators.
There is one main inserter that reads hand content to exclude current item from the cycle. The rest are set filters.
Main inserter picture
Other inserters picture
Blueprint string basic
Blueprint string complex
P.S. This is just an example of using filter inserters. There is a plenty of room for your imagination how to make your own "smart" factory. Like Beacons in the middle, or 4 belts and several combinator sets.
Also Warehousing mod makes it really handy and effective. Warehouse has 6x4 tiles for inserters. You can restock, share items between other warehouses, wire with DC filters and of course a huge inventory space.
An example of utilizing the same technique in more specialized way:
Please feel free to share your own builds and ideas.
Last edited by huliosh on Sat Jan 21, 2017 5:04 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Another Filter inserter based factory build

Post by Gertibrumm »

Finally someone to post their smart factory :o
Looks super tidy, you could use my hard wired recipe calculator for the item sequence and maybe use a mod so you dont have to run around, change recipes manually ;)
huliosh wrote:Pros:
- Simple and compact. Only 8 combinators in total.
- No jams when switching the recipes. First change recipe in combinator, then in assembler.
- No pulse generator that could make unnecesary delays.
- Can set the item ratios.
What do you mean with pulse generator? Use response signal maybe
Long Handed Inserter
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Re: Another Filter inserter based factory build

Post by huliosh »

Thanks for the good feedback.
What do you mean with pulse generator? Use response signal maybe
Activate inserter with customizable delay.

I like your approach to control the whole belt with memory cell. The priority didn't bother me much, but I was thinking to make more control with counting items on the belt as well.
Btw, your idea with utilizing the wagon is brilliant. I was using Warehouse mod to utilize that technique before.
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