Replay setting in the "map generator" screen

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Replay setting in the "map generator" screen

Post by thuejk »

The replay setting in the map generator screen has some issues.

The "Enable replay" checkbox setting is not saved in the map string. This is not a bug as such, can be seen as a design choice.

Issue 1) :

But... changing the "Enable replay setting" will invalidate the Map Exchange String. If you have pasted a map exchange string into the map exchange string box, it normally only "disappears" if you change a setting. But "enable replay" is not a setting saved in the map exchange string, so changing "enable replay" should not make the map exchange string disappear.

Issue 2) :

Another related bug: Normally when you start a new game, the map generator settings will default to those you specified last time you used the map generator. And it does this correctly for all the other settings (except map seed, which would not make sense). But "enable replay" is not saved. And unlike "map seed", there is every reason to remember the "enable replay" setting - if you wanted to use it last game, chances are you will also want to use it next game.

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Re: Replay setting in the "map generator" screen

Post by Rseding91 »

The main problem making the "enable replay" part of the exchange string is that's not actually part of a given save file. If the replay gets disabled (through changing mods or major versions) that would make any exchange string created from that map now disable the replay.

That's the same reason it's not persisted through multiple new-games.

In fact it has nothing to do with map generation and is simply included in that GUI because that's the best place to put it without another GUI between "new game" and the game actually generating.
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Re: Replay setting in the "map generator" screen

Post by thuejk »

Rseding91 wrote:If the replay gets disabled (through changing mods or major versions) that would make any exchange string created from that map now disable the replay.
Well, you could still save a was-original-with-replay setting in the savegame.
That's the same reason it's not persisted through multiple new-games.
I don't really understand how that follows?
In fact it has nothing to do with map generation and is simply included in that GUI because that's the best place to put it without another GUI between "new game" and the game actually generating.
Well, it is a setting for starting a news game. It makes sense to include it in the saved settings. I don't see why you think it is relevant that it is not part of map generation?

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