Animation request

Things that we aren't going to implement
Long Handed Inserter
Long Handed Inserter
Posts: 51
Joined: Mon May 05, 2014 9:17 pm

Animation request

Post by McSpiffy »

Hi I would like to request the ability to set a variable to the the animation type pictures = So I could animate a car prototype under certain condition. The way I see the variable being set is from a control.lua and it updates the variable in the entity.lua. You see I am making a mod ... =14&t=3450 And would like the ability to animate my Harvester vehicle when it is mining or when it goes to dump off its cargo.
something along the lines of

Code: Select all

harv_entity : pictures = "animation_state"
if havrester(car) is on ore then 
get direction(?)
if harvester(car).direction = North then
animation_state = "N_mining"
filename = "__mod__/graphics/entity/vehicle/north-sheet.png",
line_length = 5
frame_width = 140,
frame_height = 110,
shift={0.5, 0},
axially_symmetrical = false,
direction_count = 64
if harvester.direction = south then
animation_state = "S_mining"
filename = "__mod__/graphics/entity/vehicle/south-sheet.png",
line_length = 5
frame_width = 140,
frame_height = 110,
shift={0.5, 0},
axially_symmetrical = false,
direction_count = 64
and so on
then else if its not on ore or dumping cargo revert back to the original sprite sheet.
else if harvester. not on ore
animation_state = "normal"
normal =
filename = "__mod__/graphics/entity/vehicle/normal-sheet.png",
line_length = 8,
frame_width = 140,
frame_height = 110,
shift={0.5, 0},
axially_symmetrical = false,
direction_count = 64

If harvester is "dumping cargo"
animation_state ="dump_cargo"
dump_cargo =
filename = "__mod__/graphics/entity/vehicle/dump-cargo-sheet.png",
line_length = 4,
frame_width = 140,
frame_height = 110,
shift={0.5, 0},
axially_symmetrical = false,
direction_count = 64

something like that I guess.
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