Best lines from patch notes (any game)

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Best lines from patch notes (any game)

Post by Nexela »

Post your favorite line(s) from patch notes for any game here here

Hearts of Iron IV - - AI no longer spams trucks like they were some kind of war winning superweapon.
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Re: Best lines from patch notes (any game)

Post by GoldenPorkchop80 »

Command & Conquer: Zero Hour: Fixed a game-breaking bug where the GLA could launch the SCUD Storm repeatedly before the countdown reached 0:00.

The best part is: I tried that glitch before it was patched, and it actually worked!
My fastest game yet; just under 4:35! :lol:
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Re: Best lines from patch notes (any game)

Post by LotA »

- Removed Herobrine
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Re: Best lines from patch notes (any game)

Post by Sigma1 »

Goat Simulator Patch v1.3.42504: Lol, fire alarm just started beeping. Gonna have change b82rez again
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Re: Best lines from patch notes (any game)

Post by jomjame246 »

Any best lines ? Can anybody share ??
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Re: Best lines from patch notes (any game)

Post by OBXandos »

These are from the funny patch notes for World of Warcraft. Source

- Using friendly emotes will now significantly increase the Infernal and Doomguard's chance to remain loyal to the Warlock.
- Friendly emotes are no longer available to the Warlock.

- Scholomance is now spelled "Sko-lo-mance" to alleviate confusion about its pronunciation. In addition, a sound file has been added outside the instance portal which will phonetically sound out the name upon zoning.

- Additional grass areas have been added to the enemy faction's zones. This grass is exceptionally green.
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Re: Best lines from patch notes (any game)

Post by Aeternus »

- Mining Machinery icon replaced due to copyright issues. Thanks to whoever thought it was a brilliant idea.
- Moved deleted systems to the lost sector. They won't be bothering us anymore. Mission commission signing off.
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Re: Best lines from patch notes (any game)

Post by OBXandos »

I remembered another one, and this one was real!

- Please note: No Windows system files were harmed during the creation or deployment of this patch.

This was a quick update patch from the game Eve Online. The previous patch had an error in it that deleted the boot.ini file from the Windows XP OS. This would sometimes cause the affected PC to not load Windows on the next reboot.

You can read more about the issue here.
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Re: Best lines from patch notes (any game)

Post by daniel34 »

OBXandos wrote:This was a quick update patch from the game Eve Online. The previous patch had an error in it that deleted the boot.ini file from the Windows XP OS. This would sometimes cause the affected PC to not load Windows on the next reboot.

You can read more about the issue here.
That really got me interested, why would a game update delete the boot.ini file?

After reading the link you provided the tl;dr is that they have a file of the same name (boot.ini) in the game directory (for legacy reasons) and changed the patching software because it compressed better, but the new patching software always searched the root directory (C:\) first unless a specific path was provided. It deleted the boot.ini and then made a new file (eve-specific) that was naturally not understandable for Windows.

Long story short: don't ever name your files like common OS system files, because even without the update someone could be told to "delete the boot.ini in the game directory" to fix an issue and they may unintentionally delete the C:\boot.ini file.
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Re: Best lines from patch notes (any game)

Post by steinio »

daniel34 wrote:
OBXandos wrote:This was a quick update patch from the game Eve Online. The previous patch had an error in it that deleted the boot.ini file from the Windows XP OS. This would sometimes cause the affected PC to not load Windows on the next reboot.

You can read more about the issue here.
That really got me interested, why would a game update delete the boot.ini file?

After reading the link you provided the tl;dr is that they have a file of the same name (boot.ini) in the game directory (for legacy reasons) and changed the patching software because it compressed better, but the new patching software always searched the root directory (C:\) first unless a specific path was provided. It deleted the boot.ini and then made a new file (eve-specific) that was naturally not understandable for Windows.

Long story short: don't ever name your files like common OS system files, because even without the update someone could be told to "delete the boot.ini in the game directory" to fix an issue and they may unintentionally delete the C:\boot.ini file.
But this is the perfect solution for all bugs. Stop people using their windows to report bugs :D

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