Spray Paint (Ground Decals)

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Spray Paint (Ground Decals)

Post by SupplyDepoo »

Spray Paint

Spray paint would be an item with special cursor functionality (like blueprints) for labeling different parts of your factory in big, bold letters that can be easily read at high zoom levels. The purpose is to make large, complex factories easier to understand and navigate, especially for new players on multiplayer servers. It would also help when sharing screenshots of your factory to places like reddit. But the main purpose, I think, is that it would just look cool and fit in with the industrial theme of Factorio!

Appearance, crafting & usage:

The spray paint item would have an icon that looks like an aerosol spray can. It could be crafted in an assembling machine, requiring oil, iron plates and plastic (subject to balancing). The spray paint item would have a limited number of uses (like repair packs), so over time you'd have to produce more than just one item, but each item should have enough durability that you'd consider it cheap and don't have to worry too much if you make a mistake and have to repaint something.

When you put the spray paint item under your cursor you can do five things:
  1. Drag a box over an area with LMB (like blueprinting). This would create a text frame and open a UI window for entering text. This text would be rendered in the game world within the text frame, using a nice stencil-style font based on the Factorio logo. When the text length exceeds the size of the text frame, it would break at the nearest character and automatically flow to the next line if possible, or be cropped.
    • In the text entry UI you would also be able to adjust the font size (size 1 = 1 tile line height, size 2 = 2 tiles line height, and so on, up to a maximum of like 10) and toggle an option to show the text on the map like train stops (to complement this addition, train stops could be given the same option, so we can avoid cluttering the map with redundant text labels).
    • The supported scripts should be Latin and maybe Cyrillic and Greek. Support for Japanese, Chinese, etc would probably be a major technical challenge.
  2. Click on a ground tile and then click again on another tile. This would draw an arrow from the first tile to the second tile. Arrows are always a little less than 1 tile thick and have a maximum length of like 20. After the first click, a preview of the arrow is shown, and it's snapped along the cardinal directions.
    • When the base of one arrow meets the base of another arrow at a 90 degree angle, they'll adjust their length slightly to create nice corners.
    • Arrows also have a UI but it doesn't open automatically. In it you can customize the end caps (single arrowhead, double arrowhead, or no arrowheads = line)
  3. Left-click on an existing text frame or arrow. This would open the UI window where you can edit the decal.
  4. Right-click and hold on an existing text frame or arrow. This would remove a decal with a nice dissolve effect.
  5. Shift-right-click to copy decal settings and shift-left-click to paste decal settings.
The color of these decals would be white-ish. A handful of color presets that fit into Factorio's overall color palette could be added as options in the UI. As a nice touch, the newly painted surfaces could appear full and vibrant initially, but fade and become grungy over a very long period of time to show the age of the factory.

Decals can obviously be painted onto concrete and stone tiles, but they could also be painted onto grass where it could be blended with a fine, spotted texture to make it look more realistic.

See attached a mediocre mockup of how decals could be used in a factory.
ground decals mockup.png
ground decals mockup.png (3.67 MiB) Viewed 3636 times
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Re: Spray Paint (Ground Decals)

Post by Mroczny_Pasterz »

+1 I like this idea

Also: How did You put text on minimap?
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Re: Spray Paint (Ground Decals)

Post by ssilk »

This solves the problem with the minimap:


I think a better game-integration, smaller letters, extra letters for example, is useful, cause it really helps to keep overview.

Added to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=4682 Planning (Signs, Cloning, Ghosts, Blueprinting and more...)
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Re: Spray Paint (Ground Decals)

Post by SupplyDepoo »

Are you saying this shouldn't be in vanilla because there's already a mod for it?

Because if so, I disagree.

I also don't want to be lumped together with all of those other suggestions in that thread you linked. First of all my idea isn't necessarily about planning. You say: "you cannot place entities here! You plan just the place". My idea is very much about placing entities. Entities that would be included in blueprints.

And what is this doing in the list?
3) Mining area
Something, which enables to mine a (small) area much faster then yet.
- Also not bigger than 8x8 or 10x10
- Select an area, then mine it. Takes a bit time.
- everything goes to the inventory
What does this have to do with planning?

You're just trying to shoehorn every possible suggestion into a giant list that becomes so disorganized that it becomes useless.
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Re: Spray Paint (Ground Decals)

Post by ssilk »

Ok, this becomes off-topic. :)
SupplyDepoo wrote:Are you saying this shouldn't be in vanilla because there's already a mod for it?
No. I say this viewtopic.php?f=6&t=30240
3) Mining area
Something, which enables to mine a (small) area much faster then yet.
- Also not bigger than 8x8 or 10x10
- Select an area, then mine it. Takes a bit time.
- everything goes to the inventory

What does this have to do with planning?
Hm, this is not easy to answer.

Have you seen where I added your suggestion? It's in the second post under "planning" and well, this suggestion can be seen as a planning tool. I have no problem to add it to more matching suggestions, if you feel that it doesn't match. You are also "allowed" to make your own list of matching suggestions, if you feel, that nothing matches good enough. But that is also not really needed. Cause in the most seldom cases two suggestions are really identical and match in only one "category". That is also not targeted. All it needs is to bring "about similar" suggestions together.

The current "system" of related suggestions has been grown with the years. Like with this one. There was a long time in 2014/2015 where I experimented a lot of how to bring the needs together. It was a process that comes from very different problems to a working solution.
Problems where:
- how could I collect similar ideas
- how could I tell a user in a short, but non-misinterpretable form, that there the same or similar suggestions
- how to bring in all information needed to discuss suggestions in a good form
- and not to discuss things over and over
- how to bring that ideas in a form, that are usable for the developers
- how to increase the chance that a user can find similar suggestions
- how to help me (and the other moderators) to moderate
- ...
The current form solves most of that problems more or less well.

This planning-suggestion that we are speaking here from, is a "remaining" from that experimentation-times; you see that on the date of creation. And - yes - I know that this is not ideal (cause I just used one of my suggestions around a very broad subject), but it is much better, than having nothing. And I don't think to change much about that (only if someone points to obvious stuff like in this case), cause I don't see the need:
- It is "good enough" to get rid of most problems.
- The system looks crude, but I can find in 90% of all cases very fast similar suggestions, so it is a good moderation "tool" (but far from being perfect of course)
- I don't have the time to do this "perfect". Organizing this board is a voluntary job that takes me minimum 30 minutes a day and in most cases much longer.
- In the end - when it's going to be implemented - it doesn't matter much, cause a software developer can use 90% of the suggestions just as an idea and plans a new feature completely different. :)
I also don't want to be lumped together with all of those other suggestions in that thread you linked. First of all my idea isn't necessarily about planning. You say: "you cannot place entities here! You plan just the place". My idea is very much about placing entities. Entities that would be included in blueprints.
And what is this doing in the list?
You're just trying to shoehorn every possible suggestion into a giant list that becomes so disorganized that it becomes useless.
if you want to improve things you need to be more specific. :) In other words: We can discuss here what could be improved, but we can use the time also to improve things. ;)
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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