Fluid behavior / Oil flow

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Mr. Tact
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Fluid behavior / Oil flow

Post by Mr. Tact »

Not sure if this belongs here or in the technical help.. I'm just trying to understand the game mechanics involved here. With this setup:
oil from barrels.jpg
oil from barrels.jpg (119.56 KiB) Viewed 2224 times
The assembly machine on the bottom, gets nearly all the activity. The top one will occasionally empty a barrel, but not often. During a short test (ie. limited data) the ratio seemed to be about 10 to 1. What is happening here? Is there a set default to favor fluids from the south direction or something?
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Re: Fluid behavior / Oil flow

Post by ChurchOrganist »

I've been wondering that too.

I have a similar setup for oil but oriented E/W rather than N/S

The W assembler empties more oil than the E despite both assemblers having their own output pipe to the 4 storage tank array, and the path the oil takes being longer for the W assembler than the E.
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Re: Fluid behavior / Oil flow

Post by Mr. Tact »

And thinking about it... a related question: What is the throughput capacity? Is an Assembly Machine 3 able to on it's own fill the throughput capacity of a pipe assuming complete usage on the other end?
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Re: Fluid behavior / Oil flow

Post by Mehve »

Depends on how far you're sending the crude, and how well that single red inserter can keep putting full barrels into the assembler. You might be able to slightly bottleneck with both machines going full tilt, but not by much, I wouldn't think. And if that turns out to be the case under full production, just doubling the pipe would likely fix things easily enough.

That said, the electric pump you have in the picture will completely cap fluid flow at 30 units/second, which one assembler can definitely provide on its own.

Try erasing and replacing the pipes out of each assembler in turn, see if that changes the liquid flow priority at the T-junction. Fluid mechanics can be weird in this game.

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Re: Fluid behavior / Oil flow

Post by Mr. Tact »

The pump limits the flow? Without it the capacity is higher? Weird.
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Re: Fluid behavior / Oil flow

Post by Mehve »

Yeah, pumps can boost flow to 30 units/second, but that's a hard cap. So if your flow would have been higher, the pump actually hurts, and if you want higher, you need to use multiple pumps in parallel with each other. Personally, I would leave the pump out unless you get problems later on. If you got time to burn, feel free to take a look at this thread, with a bunch of numbers to consider.

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