let ghost.revive() return list of LuaItemStack

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let ghost.revive() return list of LuaItemStack

Post by gheift »

Currently if you revive a ghost with ghost.revive() you get a dictionary of items which layed under the ghost. If there layed a blueprint, gun ammo or armor, you are not able to preserve properties like the blueprint content, grid content, health, ammo or durability (only the ones I could think of).

If there lays two chests items with health of 50% and 75% under a ghost and it is revived, what I currently get is the following:

Code: Select all

local items, entity = ghost.revive()
-- items = {"chest" = 2}
What I want to get is the following:

Code: Select all

local items, entity = ghost.revive()
-- list of LuaItemStack
-- items = {{name = "chest", health = 0.5, …}, {name = "chest", health = 0.75, …}
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Re: let ghost.revive() return list of LuaItemStack

Post by Rseding91 »

It returns the dictionary because there's nothing that can own the item stacks anymore. Something on the C++ side has to own the item stack for a LuaItemStack to point at it and after you've revived the entity there's nobody to own them and as such they're deleted after the function call returns.
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Re: let ghost.revive() return list of LuaItemStack

Post by gheift »

OK, I understand, memory management is the problem.
Is there another reliable way to get the ItemStacks before reviving the ghost?
The one I am thinking of is:

Code: Select all

-- area = ghost.position extended by ghost.ghost_ptototype.collision_box extended by item_on_ground_prototype.collision_box
items = surface.find_entities_filtered{area = area, name = 'item-on-ground'}
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