[kovarex] [14.17] MP: Connection interrupted: Double error window into crash

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[kovarex] [14.17] MP: Connection interrupted: Double error window into crash

Post by tha_snoetje »

After the server stopped comunicating my client showed me 2 stacked windows with (communication with server failed screens) Dont have screenshot of that one.
But for your idea,
1. So i had 2 windows above each other after server stopped comunicating like :
| Communication with server failed|
| Save / quit / reconnect |
| Communication with server failed|
| Save / quit / reconnect |

2. I pressed a quit button.
Then i returned to the main menu. But it still showed me 1 communication failed window.
1.png (3.4 MiB) Viewed 2907 times
3. i loaded a game (single player) but it was still showing the "communication failed window"
Well, to get rid of that window i pressed quit.
Then factorio crashed.
2.png (3.13 MiB) Viewed 2907 times
I do need to mention the game was heavely modded.
(31.68 KiB) Downloaded 208 times
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Re: [rrrola] [14.17] MP: Connection interrupted: Double error window into crash

Post by kovarex »

I found one theoretical way this could happen and patched it, so it is most probably fixed for the next version.
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