Edit current map?

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Edit current map?

Post by shanethegooner »

Is it possible to edit my current map in the map editor? I've ran out of Oil and there's literally none on the map. I've traveled for miles in all directions and can't find any so I need to add some myself.

I've managed to load my map with the map editor but I can't find my base as it just spawns me in some random place.

Any help would be appreciated!

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Re: Edit current map?

Post by eduran »

This is what worked for me:
slpwnd wrote:Save can be migrated to "scenario" by running factorio from the commandline as follows (let's presume we have save foo.zip in the saves directory):

Code: Select all

./bin/prod/factorio --map2scenario foo
Factorio will start, load the save, store it as a blueprint (foo in the scenarios folder) and then quit. This is kind of a "development feature" so it is not really user friendly.
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Re: Edit current map?

Post by FreeER »

I attempted to use the map2scenario feature as suggested by eduran (on 0.9.8)...and it failed to see the new scenario (and while unzipping it allowed Factorio to see it, the editor simply placed me in either a random area or only used the map gen settings to create a new map...). so yeah...not sure how to use the map editor lol

however, you can use the console (~ or /) and this command:

Code: Select all

game.createentity{name="crude-oil", position={-41.2,23}, amount=7500}
where position is the x,y location that you want it to spawn at (you can press F5 to see the xy position of the mouse and then replace the numbers in the command). Amount = 7500 creates it with a yield of 100% (on a scale of 750=0% to 7500=100%)
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Re: Edit current map?

Post by shanethegooner »


That works perfectly. :D

Feel dirty for cheating but after driving for hours looking for some I finally gave up haha.
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