World gen in 0.13.20-0, some observations

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World gen in 0.13.20-0, some observations

Post by Frightning »

So I decided to play around with the world gen a bit and discovered something interesting: unlike in 0.12, in 0.13, frequency also affects overall amount of resources on the map, I noticed this by comparing the average density/tile (which was roughly the same, in fact a little higher on average with very high frequency than with very low, mainly because it was more variable and has higher bounds it seems). The situation with Oil was particularly interesting. There it seems that the average number of oil fields per chunk was about the same, but they were, of course, much more scattered with very high frequency than with very low, but, their yield was also much higher. (!) I am seeing oil fields with >200% yield instead of around 80% as I do w/ very low frequency. (In all of this, size and richness were at highest settings). So for those tired of low yield oil fields, setting at least oil to very high frequency might be a solution (at least for now).
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