New mod fixes my most common MP server issue!

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New mod fixes my most common MP server issue!

Post by Demosthenex »

When I play on our multiplayer server one of my most common issues is offline pollution management. Our players are on very different timezones, and some of our die-hard players may rarely sleep. That leaves anyone who plays slower vulnerable to bug attack because if any one player is on the whole map is running.

The best way to prevent offline bug attacks is to turn off your power to stop all pollution from being created while you are offline. The new power switches make that a bit easier, but it's still a manual process.

I was discussing this on IRC, and justarandomgeek released a player combinator the next day! This new combinator can output a signal when a player is online, which can be used to operate a power switch! Now my base has automatic power protection! ... combinator

My setup is very simple. I have a vanilla constant combinator outputting a grey signal to the new player combinator, which encodes my user name and then outputs green = 1 when I am online. I wire this to a power switch between my engines and the rest of the electric grid, and set the power switch to only connect when green > 1. I've been able to confirm operation and it's sweet!

The mod is only for 0.14, but he told me how to hack it for 0.13. Change 0.14's to 0.13 in info.json, and comment out line 86 in control.lua.
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