0.14.9 Trains lose schedule when no path found.

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0.14.9 Trains lose schedule when no path found.

Post by Sabbie »

We're running a server with a pretty big factory ( [EU] /r/factorio MMO ) and when I logged in today all trains had lost their schedule.

At first we thought it was somebody trolling, but when it happened again I looked into it.

It seems that once a train get into a state where it cannot find a path, it will delete it's schedule. Once one train does that, it will very quickly deadlock the factory and destroy every train schedule there is.
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Re: 0.14.9 Trains lose schedule when no path found.

Post by Loewchen »

I can not reproduce, even with the save of the server and waiting for several minutes.
Please provide a save-file with a train that will reset its schedule in a few seconds.
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Re: 0.14.9 Trains lose schedule when no path found.

Post by kovarex »

I highly suspect, that the people were just messing with it.
Burner Inserter
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Re: 0.14.9 Trains lose schedule when no path found.

Post by Sabbie »

I'm beginning to think so as well. Seems like I jumped to conclusions.

It must have been a coincidence that it happened exactly when I had path problems. Twice.. :x

Can't reproduce it now. Is there a way to log player actions?
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Re: 0.14.9 Trains lose schedule when no path found.

Post by Klonan »

I have seen the issue in game, could be a bug

Very many of the trains are in this state

But it still could be one dedicated troll...
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Burner Inserter
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Re: 0.14.9 Trains lose schedule when no path found.

Post by Sabbie »

I think it must have been one dedicated troll. At some point one guy was driving through trains with a monster train. After I banned him it seemed to stop happening.
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