[solved] Game settings reset after restarting the game

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[solved] Game settings reset after restarting the game

Post by F3Linux »

Hi there,

recently I bought factorio over steam and started playing it. Now I noticed that every time I start the game it'll open in windowed mode. After changing the settings to fullscreen they're being set back to default as soon as I close the game and start it again. The other settings are being reset aswell, of course.

I'm using factorio Version 0.13.20 (build 24011, win64, steam). For some reason the config file (...\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\config) ist empty. Could this be the issue?

So far I haven't found anyone having the same problem as me. Any suggestions?

Last edited by F3Linux on Mon Sep 19, 2016 7:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Game settings reset after closing the game

Post by posila »

Hi, can please you post here ...\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\factorio-current.log

Then try to delete config folder and run the game again. See if the folder was recreated and if it is still empty.

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Re: Game settings reset after closing the game

Post by F3Linux »

Hi posila,

thank you for your reply.

Deleting the config folder solved the problem! The config file was newly created and is no longer empty. My settings stay the same now after each restart. Thanks a bunch!

Posting the log file is no longer needed anymore ... ;)

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