Ideas for some Loading Changes

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Ideas for some Loading Changes

Post by CNR_Thunder »

Hello Guys
at first I want to say thank you to all devs I Love this game.
I haven't seen something like this since Minecraft and its even better.

Now a thing I want to share with you.
I'm playing the game most time with a friend in Multiplayer and always at after a couple in game hours(85h atm) we have a problem when we want to play again. The loading screen.
The map getting big an we need to wait for like 20 min with loading and then we think WHY we are doing this :D

our suggestion is
is it possible to implement a check into the Mp game that when a new player join the game, its start to look into all save files and look for a identical save /autosave (ingemetick, playtime, mods)
After this run a quick check like "if loading_time > lost_ingame_time then" a checkbox to the player "a identical save was found you will lose xxx min playtime if you load it. Do you want to load the save? Yes / No"
the same could be used for desyncs ore something like that.
The new background loading for the host do only save his time but not mine so this inst ideal

One last thing to the fast forward mechanic
do you think about to use it for like a "bead" that when all players are in it skips a couple min playtime with fast forward.
It will provide a opportunity to get rid of waiting for resources to get processed but with the risk to wake up and biters are waiting for you ;)

I hope this isn't a double post if it is pls remove it

CNR Thunder

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Re: Ideas for some Loading Changes

Post by aubergine18 »

This mod eradicates map decorations to significantly reduce file size:

This mod lets you speed up game time:
Better forum search for modders: Enclose your search term in quotes, eg. "font_color" or "custom-input" - it prevents the forum search from splitting on hypens and underscores, resulting in much more accurate results.

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Re: Ideas for some Loading Changes

Post by CNR_Thunder »

Thank you for these mods but this only help a bit
the main thing for us is that we both got the data for transfer them again no matter how big they are
and we hope this could be implemented cause this shouldn't be a big of deal to code and will help at least in the dysnc case
it will help to get fast in to the game again

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Re: Ideas for some Loading Changes

Post by MrFaul »

Well I think you will have to wait until a real pre- game/load lobby system is implemented.
It is possible to validate the check sums for a savegame, but squeezing it into the current game wont be easy, at least if my guesses are right.
But I agree a proper timestamp system which is only downloading "what happened after your last login" would speed up loading times drastically.
Unfortunate I think that very deep changes in the savegames system are necessary for that.
Or maybe not after all there was the replay system not long ago.
The strange German dude

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