Power armour recharge station, H2 fuel cells and more!

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Power armour recharge station, H2 fuel cells and more!

Post by CheezyArmpit »

Recharge station

If I could drop the huge fusion reactor and power myself with MK2 (or even a new tier of) batteries, that would be awesome.

A recharge station building could then rapidly provide the player with charge when the player gets within range of the building.

Hydrogen fuel cells

Consumable hydrogen fuel cells would be really cool. You could extract the H2 from oil (it can be present in natural gas), produce it with electrolysis or an have an air separation plant (cryogenic cooling towers).
You could stack the empty fuel cells in your inventory, then reuse them.

Other uses for Hydrogen or air separation plant

You could also use the Hydrogen gas for cooling the nuclear power plant if you added it into the game, dual use! With an air separation plant you could also get Argon, Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide.

Nitrogen, Argon, Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide are all used in metallurgy too, so you could incorporate some kind of advanced furnace perhaps?
Argon for large neon base lights?
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Re: Power armour recharge station, H2 fuel cells and more!

Post by ssilk »

There are other suggestion about hydrogen. For example viewtopic.php?f=6&t=13023 Storing energy as hydrogen (and oxygen) / Cool it down to store energy
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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