[0.14.1] constant desyncs

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Burner Inserter
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[0.14.1] constant desyncs

Post by Tartaros »

Hello there,

I am always playing with two friends, but since one day nothing is possible.
Sometime we can join together and everything works, sometimes we can't even join because the server goes down or all of us desync.

Most of the time we play about 1-2 hours and then no chance, since today (I dont know, we didnt change anything) we can't even connect anymore.

We have no complicated wire networks (only a few chests connected to a trainstation) and nothing special. I can't join most of the open multiplayer games, sometimes it crashes, sometimes not. I couldnt find any factor...

Is there any way to fix this?

The latest 4 files: (currently uploading, but in about 25 minutes)
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8Ko6 ... VVyemtwSWM

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Re: [0.14.1] constant desyncs

Post by Loewchen »

There is nothing you can do but making (useful) reports of those issues so they can be fixed. Several causes are fixed for 14.2 already, once this version is out the amount of desyncs will be greatly reduced.
If you report a desync, make sure to mention if the server uses mods, if it happened at a specific event (or already during catching up) and (as you did) upload the desync report.
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Re: [0.14.1] constant desyncs

Post by Tartaros »

Forgot to mentiom that we dont use any bots.

It's like I said, I was not able to find a link to anything. Once we did nothing, once I was using a blueprint, once we were sitting in train without interaction. The files are linked
But thanks for your reply!
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Re: [0.14.1] constant desyncs

Post by kovarex »

We fixed one important cause of desyncs for 0.14.2, so lets see if it still happens in 0.14.2 (Moving to resolved)
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