Name: Radio Signals
Description: Radio masts, wifi, snooping stations...
License: MIT (code) and CC (graphics)
Version: 0.0.1
Release: No releases yet
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.13.15
Category: GamePlay (I think?!)
Tags: Free, wifi, radio, snooper, IoT
Download-Url: TBC
Website: TBC
This is a WIP mod, not released yet, I'm putting this up at early design stage to hopefully get some feedback on direction and help with graphics etc.
Code is licensed under MIT (although might change it to Unlicense b/c f. the legal system)
Icons are currently various flavours of CC
Code is licensed under MIT (although might change it to Unlicense b/c f. the legal system)
Icons are currently various flavours of CC
Long description
Long description
Note: There are various techs and items available too, will document those at some later time.
Radio Masts
Designed for outposts, radio masts allow transmission of circuit signals over vast distances. Why use wires when you can send packets of information through the ether?
There are some drawbacks to using them, however:
Snoopers are surveillance buildings that provide:
If a mast is equipped with a WiFi Hub module, any nearby entities with a WiFi Transmitter module can connect to it, effectively providing an "Internet of Things" WiFi circuit network.
WiFI works much the same way as radio signals in that packets are only transmitted a few times a minute (research and modules increase rate). The main reason for using WiFi is to make it much easier to send *named* packets across your radio network through named channels. This way you can, using various (not yet defined) entities, monitor specific devices anywhere in your radio network.
Note: There are various techs and items available too, will document those at some later time.
Radio Masts
Designed for outposts, radio masts allow transmission of circuit signals over vast distances. Why use wires when you can send packets of information through the ether?
There are some drawbacks to using them, however:
- Slow updates - they only send two packets per minute (can be increased with research and modules)
- Packet loss - atmospheric conditions disrupt signals, causing some loss of information from packets transmitted (can be mitigated with research)
- Proximity - if masts are placed too close together, they interfere with each other causing increased packet loss
- Maintenance - due to their hight and somewhat flimsy construction, masts need occasional maintenance (use construction robots with repair packs to fix)
- Snooping - enemies can detect radio signals and intercept packets of information (research and modules can hinder enemy snooping)
- Power consumption - uses lots of power (reduce with research and modules)
Snoopers are surveillance buildings that provide:
- Location of enemy radio masts and radar - reveals territory at the location when first detected (but does not update the map after that point)
- Intercept enemy radio transmissions - use espionage to see what data is being sent by enemy masts
If a mast is equipped with a WiFi Hub module, any nearby entities with a WiFi Transmitter module can connect to it, effectively providing an "Internet of Things" WiFi circuit network.
WiFI works much the same way as radio signals in that packets are only transmitted a few times a minute (research and modules increase rate). The main reason for using WiFi is to make it much easier to send *named* packets across your radio network through named channels. This way you can, using various (not yet defined) entities, monitor specific devices anywhere in your radio network.
Soon. (I need help with graphics, particularly for the radio mast and snooper station)
See posts further down page for some early previews of icons and stuff.
Soon. (I need help with graphics, particularly for the radio mast and snooper station)
See posts further down page for some early previews of icons and stuff.
Version history
Version history
No releases yet
No releases yet
These are additional signals that are output by masts and snoopers, allowing circuit network to do stuff based on condition of those structures.
Masts (hold signal) - num. masts a mast or snooper is connected to
Masts change (pulse signal) - delta ± change in num masts
WiFi (hold signal) - num. wifi devices a mast is connected to
WiFi change (pulse signal) - delta ± change in num wifi
Radar (hold signal) - num radars a snooper is detecting
Radar change (pulse signal) - delta ± change in num radars
Snooper (hold signal) - num enemy snoopers detected (by masts or snoopers)
Snooper change (pulse signal) - delta ± change in num snoopers
Phase (hold signal) - mast or enemy mast is using phase modulation
Digital (hold signal) - ... using digital radio
Encrypted (hold signal) - ... using encryption
Espionage (pulse signal) - snooper intercepted data packet (0 = fail, 1 = success)
On successful interception, the snooper will output all the signals it intercepted so you can trigger actions in your circuit network based on what the enemy is doing (not much use currently, but with other mods you can potentially launch robot raids on enemy outposts based on this info).
These are additional signals that are output by masts and snoopers, allowing circuit network to do stuff based on condition of those structures.
Masts (hold signal) - num. masts a mast or snooper is connected to
Masts change (pulse signal) - delta ± change in num masts
WiFi (hold signal) - num. wifi devices a mast is connected to
WiFi change (pulse signal) - delta ± change in num wifi
Radar (hold signal) - num radars a snooper is detecting
Radar change (pulse signal) - delta ± change in num radars
Snooper (hold signal) - num enemy snoopers detected (by masts or snoopers)
Snooper change (pulse signal) - delta ± change in num snoopers
Phase (hold signal) - mast or enemy mast is using phase modulation
Digital (hold signal) - ... using digital radio
Encrypted (hold signal) - ... using encryption
Espionage (pulse signal) - snooper intercepted data packet (0 = fail, 1 = success)
On successful interception, the snooper will output all the signals it intercepted so you can trigger actions in your circuit network based on what the enemy is doing (not much use currently, but with other mods you can potentially launch robot raids on enemy outposts based on this info).