Name: Factorio Maps
Authors: jeroon, credomane
Description: This mod creates a Google Map of your Factorio game. It will create a local html file, nothing has to be uploaded for it to work.
License: Free for all
Version: 0.6.1000 (really 0.7.0-RC2 but factorio doesn't support that kinda version number)
Release: 2016-07-31
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.13.13 (minimum required: 0.13.10)
Category: Helper
Tags: Maps, Google
Version History
Usage :
- Use "Day Only" so your images are nice and light.
- Click "Crop to Base". This will adjust the area to be mapped to a rectangle containing the entities belonging to the force of the player pressing the button. tile-entites are ignored.
- Click "Generate". This will start taking the screenshots and generate an index.html in the script-output/FactorioMaps/YourMapNameHere folder. Script-output is in the same folder as Saves.
- Open index.html in your browser (Double click it/Open With/Drag in browserwindow)
- Hover over nearly everything for tooltip descriptions.
On bigger maps it will take a while, and take up quite a bit of disk space.
Works in singleplayer and multi player. However, generate button is disabled with more the one player connected. Highly recommended to save the map then load into singleplayer to take a map.
Does not work with headless server (take_screenshot does nothing on headless)
For the time being I'm maintaining Factorio Maps with jeroon's permission.
0.6.0 is on the mod portal but with this being an overhaul update I wanted to put it here for a few days of community testing. I've squashed every bug I could find. If nothing major appear in a few days I'll upload this to the mod portal.