A real world game Box

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A real world game Box

Post by krux02 »

Hello, I recently saw this: https://www.theindiebox.com/ a website, that sells game boxes for games, that I only know as digital only games. Since I am a collector, I would really be happy, if there would a Factorio game box that I can put in my shelf. I would also be very happy, if the box would contain a poster, and may a button that allows me to classify myself as an official Factorio Player :lol: .

Here is an example of how it looks like for Freedom Planet (another great game that has absolutely nothing to do with Factorio)

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Re: A real world game Box

Post by Harkonnen604 »

It should be in the form of 3D-printed assembler machine that opens and contains 512Mb usb stick inside size and color of a speed module :)
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