a simple device that detect motion in a range maybe we can add this function to the radar
so we can add a signal cable to the radar and its possible to detect "player" or "alien" motion
so we can connect it to the power switch and activate defense systems if aliens in range, or
just turn on lights
Last edited by ssilk on Mon Jul 04, 2016 9:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason:Not 0.13 only
that was that what i try to say, as output signal the ammount of player and the ammount of biter lvl 1/2/3 and spitter 1/2/3
sry if it wasnt clear my english is not the best
and now i think about trainstations that the train dont leave the base if there are to many biters outside
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers. Have you used the Advanced Search today? Need help, question? FAQ -Wiki -Forum help I still like small signatures...
Okay, so you know how Laser Turrets take an insane amount of power, even when idle?
I would like a Security Camera, that directly scans areas, they could be added to Power Poles, and send Logistic information to the network based on what they see, to active power circuits for Laser defense.