[0.13.1] Rail signal causes desync when placed on tight spot

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[0.13.1] Rail signal causes desync when placed on tight spot

Post by Sauerkraut »

Hello Factorio Staff and Moderators,

I was playing online with a friend without problems until we built our first train intersection, where a desync occurred. A few junctions later, we figured out the reason. Should be pretty easy to reproduce, however, in some rare cases and when rotating too much no desync occurred:

>be client on a server
>find a spot where a rail signal can attach to more then one rail:
>select signal, hover over said spot, now rotate until it connects to the non-default rail
>place signal:
[at this point client and host should see the signal connected to two different rails]
>deconstruct signal BAM desync:
>after redownloading the map, the signal is now attached to the same rail as the host saw it:

- Sauerkraut

EDIT: Desync report.
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Re: [0.13.1] Rail signal causes desync when placed on tight spot

Post by Klonan »

Thanks for the report,

This seems like a pretty clean cut case
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Re: [0.13.1] Rail signal causes desync when placed on tight spot

Post by Rseding91 »

Indeed. I can see in the code what's wrong and I believe it should be fixed for 0.13.2.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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