Factorio need IRL Stuff (Merchandise).

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Factorio need IRL Stuff (Merchandise).

Post by Miczu555PL »

I'm watching a series of youtubers playing Factorio together. When this topic pops up:
About IRL stuff. Like shirts, pants and panties.. whatever with Factorio logo.
And ofc most important:
Biter Plushies.
/I'm not a native English speaker, so if u spot errors in spelling don't JUDGE MEH >_< .
Last edited by Koub on Sat Jul 16, 2016 8:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Added Merchandise to the topic title
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Post by Wakaba-chan »


I love Factorio very much, but what I love reeeeeeeeally badly is THIS tank. Also I love the Car and machinegun turrets. Every stuff in Factorio is very cool - thanks you your designers! But what I wanted to ask: is it possible that you will make them real? I don't know how to put it in English correctly, but I mean assemblable models like those which do Revell and Tamiya and so on? Or maybe just action figures like those anime-figures? I WANT to touch this tank, so very-very please-please! :mrgreen:
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Re: Factorio need IRL Stuff.

Post by Jürgen Erhard »

What "we in the business" call this "IRL stuff" is "Merchandise". ;-)

And yes, Factorio needs you this.
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Re: Factorio need IRL Stuff.

Post by 5thHorseman »

Biter plushie? I want a logistic bot plushie.
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Re: Factorio need IRL Stuff.

Post by Kewlhotrod »

I would actually buy a factorio shirt, not toys though.
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Re: Factorio need IRL Stuff.

Post by Shokubai »

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Re: Factorio need IRL Stuff.

Post by Jürgen Erhard »

5thHorseman wrote:Biter plushie? I want a logistic bot plushie.
If I had the means and inclination, I'd make a logistic bot and/or construction bot drone. :D Should be possible. Wonder why no-one has done one yet.
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Re: Factorio need IRL Stuff.

Post by Mishka »

Hi, we actually tried that about half a year ago (when I wasn't here yet) and somehow it didn't work out with the t-shirts company.
Anyway I couldn't agree more, I made myself a Factorio purse actually just to have something like that.
Not gonna work on it while office is on fire from 0.13 update, but if you have any funny ideas about what kind of merchandise would you like, I'm all inserters!
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Re: Factorio need IRL Stuff.

Post by brunzenstein »

Mishka wrote:Hi, we actually tried that about half a year ago (when I wasn't here yet) and somehow it didn't work out with the t-shirts company.
Anyway I couldn't agree more, I made myself a Factorio purse actually just to have something like that.
Not gonna work on it while office is on fire from 0.13 update, but if you have any funny ideas about what kind of merchandise would you like, I'm all inserters!
There is nothing simpler then having printed anything on a few plain white t-shirts. There are enough companies (i think also in Praha) which can do this for you within hours. More problematic is the needed sales platform as it involves to set up a sales portal - and that sounds easier as it is. Given the different requirements in the payment area as well as from the individual EU laws / different taxations and state regulations for any sales platform on the internet.
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Re: Factorio need IRL Stuff.

Post by steinio »


I'm not involved in this shop, is just an idea and quick google...
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Re: Factorio need IRL Stuff.

Post by CMH »

Plushies are an easy one. Logistic bot plushie sounds cool. Same with cute-ified biters/spitters. or just plushify everything.

Maybe inserter desk-lamp?

pixellated iron/copper plate mousepads
Research lab nightlight
lamp nightlight
assembler footrest or stool
laser turret laser-pointer
train desk organizer. The cargo doors slide open and reveal your cargo of paper clips.
Or just even a model train.

Submit your factory and get it printed as a mousepad/poster/etc

Just some ideas, and I'm not really all that creative...
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Re: Factorio need IRL Stuff.

Post by Nexela »

CMH wrote:Plushies are an easy one. Logistic bot plushie sounds cool. Same with cute-ified biters/spitters. or just plushify everything.

Maybe inserter desk-lamp?

I would buy both of those!
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Re: Factorio need IRL Stuff.

Post by brunzenstein »

I would offer one with a black background too
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Re: Factorio need IRL Stuff.

Post by CMH »

Biter fluffy bedroom slippers. With googly eyes.
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Re: Factorio need IRL Stuff.

Post by flyco »

I own a company that does, amongst other things, sell 3D printers and runs a 3D printing hub (and this isn't the main reason I'm posting this - I find the idea quite intriguing even if we don't end up being involved in bringing it to life).

If there's interest enough (both by the brilliant folks behind Factorio and by the community), 3D printing models of the the main game elements (inserters... factories... biters etc.) could be a nice way to enable anyone to have a real life model of (at least a small part of) their factory.

Unless the volume would be considerable, models would have to be single color (for the player to paint as she/he desires) though. In larger volumes, full color is possible.
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Re: Factorio need IRL Stuff.

Post by brunzenstein »

flyco wrote:I own a company that does, amongst other things, sell 3D printers and runs a 3D printing hub (and this isn't the main reason I'm posting this - I find the idea quite intriguing even if we don't end up being involved in bringing it to life).

If there's interest enough (both by the brilliant folks behind Factorio and by the community), 3D printing models of the the main game elements (inserters... factories... biters etc.) could be a nice way to enable anyone to have a real life model of (at least a small part of) their factory.

Unless the volume would be considerable, models would have to be single color (for the player to paint as she/he desires) though. In larger volumes, full color is possible.
Without being commercially involved in any way with the mentioned company:
Thats the best idea so far.
Its off the beaten "T-shirt track" - It worked for the high rated game "Monument Valley" as well as for "This War Of Mine" as it brought a considerable PR effect
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Merchandise - FRIDGE MAGNETS!!!

Post by doobadeedoo »

Hi, I'm a HUGE fan of Factorio and would love some merchandise! I think that fridge magnets would be a cool idea allowing you to build (admittedly simple) factories on your fridge! Since the game doesn't really have a single iconic figure, magnets would get around problems models and plushies might have (although I would LOVE a plushie of the horrifying nest alien things) and they let you show what Factorio is about, building factories! In the words of Fry from Futurama, "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!"
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Re: Factorio need IRL Stuff (Merchandise).

Post by Koub »

[Koub] Merged in the "merch" topic.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Factorio need IRL Stuff (Merchandise).

Post by Fish »

A 3D-printed inserter would be awesome.
One made out of metal would be even cooler.
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