Request: Ore Generator mod

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Request: Ore Generator mod

Post by Warlord1981NL »


Today I had an idea for a mod that I was wanting to write myself initially but to be quite honest, I simply don't have the time to learn how to mod hence I would like to request this mod. I did take a look at the LUA language but it seems like one hell of a job to do. I did however already write out the mod in words and perhaps someone would like to take a swing at creating this. So here is what I had written out so far:

--- Mod in words ---
Building size = 5x5 squares
Building prerequisits = Effect Transmission, Oil Processing, Alien Technology
Building cost = 100x Pumpjack, 50x Production module 3, 50x Speed module 3, 50x Efficiency module 3, 1000x processing unit
Building energy consumption = 10 MW
Build pollution = *whatever amount is annoyingly large to deal with, not a clue on how much to make it*
Building input = 2 (not neccesarily different) mining drill harvestable ores/stone/as long as you can harvest by mining drill
Building generates = resources of resource-category basic-solid in area around building
- Resource input 1 is generated in odd squares
- Resource input 2 is generated in even squares
If there is something already present in targeted location (say you are generating stone and there is a spot where there already is iron ore) then that location is to be ignored/skipped over.

Start out:
Basic effects: 100 resources per countdown per field (a single square that can contain ore) generated, 2 generation squares, 60 seconds resource insert timer
Number of upgrades: 9
Upgrade effects: +100 resources per countdown per field generated, +2 generation squares, -5 seconds on resource insert timer

Upgrade costs: [Red, Green, Blue, Alien science packs]
Level 1: 50, 50, 50, 50
Level 2: 100, 100, 100, 100
Level 3: 150, 150, 150, 150
Level 4: 200, 200, 200, 200
Level 5: 250, 250, 250, 250
Level 6: 300, 300, 300, 300
Level 7: 400, 400, 400, 400
Level 8: 700, 700, 700, 700
Level 9: 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000

So the building would be placed at location X,X and you insert the solid ore type(s) you want into it. It then starts to generate ore at countdown=0 "inserting", if you will, ores into the surrounding ground making them available for harvesting by mining drill. Of course, it should allow for the solid ores brought by other mods as well like for example the uranium ore from this mod which I really like: viewtopic.php?f=93&t=21676

Here are pictures of that I made (yeah, dem Paint skillz iz fo realz, yo :P) of how it should appear in-game (well according to me, anyway lol):


EDIT: The would picture above would be how it starts out, each upgrade level would provide 2 more rings around the building, one of stone and one of coal since those are the inserted materials.

Hopefully the explanation of my idea is good enough. Should you have any questions then please feel free to ask. I was having thoughts of making it require mud ( see: ) for the building to function but perhaps that makes it too complex. I am thinking along the lines of using the standard in-game materials of crude oil, iron ore and sulfur to have a chemical plant produce the resource liquid "mud" which would then be used by the building to generate ores to add some challenge to it. Perhaps two versions could be done of it, like a normal (does NOT require mud) and a hard (DOES require mud) version?

Anyway, to me, constantly having to constantly move my resource gathering around is a nuisance that distracts from my tinkering with the logic gates and messing around with processes :) As you can tell by what I have in mind for making this mod, this would be an end-game thing that would provide you with a limited size area for steady resource income.

Of course, that brings us to your rewards for your hard work: it will bring you fame and glory for a very narrow definition of fame and glory as well as +1 interwebz! All of this is yours to be had!

Kind regards,

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Re: Request: Ore Generator mod

Post by binbinhfr »

please have a look at my mod MiningTools, it's close to what you need, no ?
My mods on the Factorio Mod Portal :geek:
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Re: Request: Ore Generator mod

Post by Warlord1981NL »

Oh that seems cool, your ore generation, I knew I couldn't have been the only one who likes tinkering more than harvesting! I will definitely check it out tomorrow! Thank you for your reply!
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