[MOD 0.13.11]Mobile suit in FACTORIO_1.5.8

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Manual Inserter
Manual Inserter
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Joined: Thu May 19, 2016 2:27 pm

[MOD 0.13.11]Mobile suit in FACTORIO_1.5.8

Post by Twinkle »

Type: Mod
Name: Mobile suit in FACTORIO
Description: Product for people who want to devote themselves to the making of factory without being disturbed by aliens.
  • (Graphics relations are unfinished.)
    Because it is not a native language, it is strange English, but please forgive it.
    A red character is the thing that I added this time.
Version: 1.5.8
Release: 2016-07-29
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.13.11
long description
-- Mobile suit
-- Chemical protective clothing (add in plastics)

-- M'qube's ADZAM (Aircraft)

-- ZAKU Machine gun
-- ZAKU Bazooka
-- Rocket launcher pod
-- Beam rifle
-- GYAN's Missile shield
-- GYAN's Beam saber

-- ZAKU Machine gun APHE bullet magazine
-- ZAKU Machine gun Toxic gas bullet magazine
-- ZAKU Bazooka HE rocket
-- ZAKU Bazooka cluster rocket
-- ZAKU Bazooka nuclear rocket (Please use it premeditatedly for a long term because radioactivity remains behind.)
-- Rocket container
-- Beam rifle cartridge
-- Stone balls (Ball of the Trebuchet)
-- Grenade balls (Ball of the Trebuchet. add in military 2)
-- Poison balls (Ball of the Trebuchet. add in military 3)
-- Slowdown balls (Ball of the Trebuchet. add in military 3)
-- Alien summons balls (Ball of the Trebuchet)
-- Toxic gas tank (cylinder of the flame thrower. add in military 3)
-- ADZAM Mega particle Cannon energy pack (This ammo is for M'qube's ADZAM.)
-- ADZAM electromagnetic wave generator (This ammo is for M'qube's ADZAM.)
-- Needle missile (ammo of GYAN's Missile shield)
-- Hide bomb container (ammo of GYAN's Missile shield)
-- GYAN's Beam saber Energy pack (ammo of GYAN's Beam saber)

-- Alien's egg (Summon Alien's herd)
-- Revenge device of Zabi (It is a device spraying biological weapon Astaroth.)
-- Destroyer capsule expect (add in Follower robot count 20. Did you expect such an effect in this technology?)
-- Guardian capsule (Retrievable, long range and long time existing robot.)
-- Small worm capsule (Summon Small worm)
-- Medium worm capsule (Summon Medium worm)
-- Big worm capsule (Summon Big worm)
-- Behemoth worm capsule (Summon Behemoth worm)
-- Cracker (Cluster grenade)

mining tool
-- Heat axe (You can defeat Behemoth by melee.)

-- Minovsky reactor equipment (generator)
-- I-Field generator equipment (energy shield)
-- Mega particle Cannon equipment (long range and powerful automatically active defense)
-- Diffusion Mega particle Cannon equipment (automatically active defense like a CIWS)
-- Fieldmotor equipment (movement bonus)
-- Funnel-Bit catapult equipment (combat robot thrower)
-- Large personal roboport (roboport)
-- Searchlight (night-vision)

-- Mega particle Cannon turret
-- Diffusion Mega particle Cannon turret
-- Trebuchet (project Stone balls, Grenade, Poison balls, Slowdown balls, Alien summons balls)
-- Pillbox (Reinforcement gun turret,add in concrete)
-- ADZAM base (combat robot thrower)

-- Wooden fence (Usable for restraint the making of hive.)
-- Wooden wall (Usable for early defense and restraint the making of hive.)
-- Offensive wall (Wall with the ability for attack and regenerate.)

land mine
-- Pitfall (It is a land mine giving the damage that the small range has little without being broken.)
-- Abatis (create slowdown sticker without being broken.)
-- Hide bomb (use it for Reload Hide bomb container if You collect this land mine.)

-- Minovsky interference wave analysis system (max distance of nearby sector revealed = 50, max distance of sector revealed = 100)

electric pole
-- Microwave electric power transmission system (maximum wire distance = 224, supply area distance = 112)

assembling machine
-- ZEONIC (All-around assembling machine = Assembling machine + Furnace + Chemical plant + Oil refinery)
-- Minovsky reactor A parts (It is only for Electrolysis)
-- Elemental converter (convert surplus resources into short resources (Water, Coal, Stone, Iron ore, Copper ore, Crude oil)
-- Alien farm (make Alien's egg, Worm capsules and increase Alien artifact)
-- Afforested area (Raw wood, Cherry tree, Moss phlox, Grass bright production machine with the pollution cleanup function (You can make Coal from a Raw wood in a Furnace.))
-- Residential street (make a Child. work as a tired Laborer and Sergeant well.)
-- School (make a Laborer from a Child.)
-- Boot camp (make a Soldier from a Child.make a Sergeant from a Soldier.)
-- Farm (make Food and Whiskey.)
-- Tradingpost (Trade with the friendly tribe. Beads to Coal, Stone, Iron ore, Copper ore, Alien artifact)
-- Fish pond (make Raw fish.)
-- Burner assembling machine
-- Burner oil refinery (add in Oil processing)
-- Burner chemical plant (add in Oil processing)
-- Moneychanger (exchange Coins)
-- Receiving and shipping workshop (Pack freight and untie a package of the freight which you imported.)
-- HLV spaceport (It is a trade base.)
-- Secret wait point (It is a backroom deal base.)
-- Synthetic hydrocarbon fuel plant (Chemical energy storage system)

-- Minovsky reactor B parts

-- Minovsky reactor C parts

-- Minovsky reactor D parts

-- Minovsky reactor E parts

-- Burner lab
-- Burner pumpjack (add in Oil processing)
-- Storehouse (large size Container. add in Steel processing)
-- Storehouse active provider (large size Logistic container. add in Logistic system)
-- Storehouse passive provider (large size Logistic container. add in Construction robotics & Logistic robotics)
-- Storehouse requester (large size Logistic container. add in Logistic system)
-- Storehouse storage (large size Logistic container. add in Construction robotics)
-- Prototype of the battery for the colony laser (Large capacity Accumulator)
-- Luna Titanium Alloy (intermediate products necessary for Mobile suit related production)
-- Hydrogen gas (make it with electrolysis, handling on the system is solid fuel.)
-- Oxygen gas (make it with Electrolysis.)
-- Firewood (use it as fuel in substitution for a Raw wood.)
-- Food (work as a Tired laborer well.)
-- Whiskey (work as a Tired sergeant well.)
-- Beads (use it for the trade with the friendly tribe.)
-- Grilled fish (health is restored)
-- ADZAM transporter (Logistic robot)
-- ADZAM constructer (Construction robot)
-- Cherry tree
-- 6 tiles (Moss phlox, Grass bright, Red brick path, Asphalt (add in Oil processing & Advanced oil processing), Iron path, Linear path)
-- 8 Color concrete (black, white, red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, magenta, add in concrete)
-- 11 Terraforming tiles (Grass tile, Grass medium tile, Grass dry tile, Dirt tile, Dirt dark tile, Sand tile, Sand dark tile, Water tile, Water green tile, Deepwater tile, Deepwater green tile)
-- 10 Coins (1cr, 10cr, 100cr, 1Kcr, 10Kcr, 100Kcr, 1Mcr, 10Mcr, 100Mcr, 1Gcr)
-- 45 package items (Raw resource, Raw material, Intermediate product (exclude Satellite), Fluid)
-- 19 technologies (Zeonism, Luna Titanium Alloy, Minovsky Physics, Minovsky particle practical use, Psyco Communicator, Elemental transmutation, Alien biology 1, Alien biology 2, Alien biology 3, Alien biology 4, Alien biology 5, National mobilization (divided 40 technologies), Combat robotics 4, Terraforming, Trade with Zeon (divided 5 technologies), Trade with Side6 Lyer (divided 5 technologies), Trade with Von Braun city (divided 5 technologies), Backroom deal with Earth federation (divided 5 technologies), Artificial Newtype (divided 10 technologies))
-- many recipes
-- changed the Maximum wire distance of the big electric pole to 32 (just 1 chunk).
-- Delete (changed the Stack size of low density structure,rocket fuel,rocket control unit to 100 (By introduction of the package, I returned stack size.).)
-- changed the Fuel value of the Raw wood to 0, Because a furnace recognized it to be only fuel. Please machine it on Firewood to use it as fuel.
-- changed the Max health of Stone wall to 500 (Because I added Wooden wall.)
-- added Radioactivity to a damage type
-- added human being (Child,Laborer,Tired-laborer,Soldier,Sergeant,Tired-sergeant. Laborer shortens production time. Soldier and Sergeant stay in the Pillbox (ingredients).)
sample pictures.zip
(5.44 MiB) Downloaded 2361 times
subMOD(Revenge of the Earth federation)
(1.94 MiB) Downloaded 691 times
Ver.1.5.8 (Factorio Ver.0.13.11)
(22.8 MiB) Downloaded 2304 times
Ver.1.5.1 (Factorio Ver.0.12.35)
(22.21 MiB) Downloaded 771 times
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