The current display of night in Factorio is very dark. Healthy people with just minor visual impairments have trouble seeing everything at night. Therefore, I would suggest to add some kind of setting, which would make Factorio more accessible to these people.
This could be either
a general brightness setting or
something to reduce the difference between day and night, or
even turn off the night visualization completely (but leave related game mechanics intact)
Perceived brightness doesn't even necessarily involve visual impairment -- monitors are different! I'm sure that my calibrated (for photography) monitors are darker than many other people's monitors.
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I went searching for "gamma" and discovered this thread. I'd like to mention that this is still an issue.
Please note that some forms of visual impairment are fairly common in older players, and I think there is a significantly larger number of us here than in pew pew games.
Also, visual impairment is not just a matter of bright/dark. It can also be a matter of seeing small items properly or distinguishing similar colors. A perfect example was my posting a bug report about research getting hung, when in reality it was a matter of military (grey/white) and blue (which is really a very light blue) looking almost identical to me.
It will probably take many releases to address all the possible visual impairment issues, but here is my vote hoping for the following in 0.17:
- The gamma configuration setting of this thread.
- At the very least making the blue science color a more vivid "blue".