Current Mechanic
Factorio treats belt speed as a function of how far an item travels. Items travel at a constant speed depending on the belt type they are on and do no speed up (or slow down) around corners. The best real world example of this mechanic would be a roller style belt like this.
Because of the constant speed of the rollers and difference in distance between the inner and outer corners items on the inside would indeed travel faster than items on the outside. It's simply a shorter path at a constant speed. A good real world reference would be running track. At the same speed, the guy on the inside has an advantage due to having a shorter distance vs a runner of similar speed. Ever wonder why they don't start in a line for longer sprints? And remember the track isn't moving...just the runner.
Implied Mechanic
I call this Implied mechanic because of the visuals implied by the graphics in the game. The look of the belts imply a chain like system where each segment is pulled along by the one in front of it. Items do not MOVE on the belt they simply ride on top of it. In the image below that is a reasonable reference for a Factorio belt...Do you think an item on any segment of that chain would reach its destination any faster or slower based on which side it's on?

The obvious answer is no. Items on the inside would actually slow down due to compression while items on the outside would move FASTER due to centrifugal force. Items would enter and leave the corner at exactly the same time. No compression loss and no difference over a strait belt. This is no different than measuring the swing speed of a baseball bat or golf club. The speed at the end of the bat/club will be greater than the speed of your shoulders due to the greater distance traveled in the same amount of time.
Maybe I'm crazy...No wait...Right or wrong I'm probably still crazy but if you are still not convinced that the current game mechanics are simply wrong(at least based on the current belt graphics) enjoy some cookies on a conveyor going around corners.
or if you prefer Dem Shoes Do.