How do you think this solar panel / accumulator design?

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How do you think this solar panel / accumulator design?

Post by smallhuman »

20160426162652.png (979.75 KiB) Viewed 10027 times
20160426164702.png (3.51 KiB) Viewed 10027 times

I'm sorry for it's not beautiful. but I believe it's really effecient.
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Re: How do you think this solar panel / accumulator design?

Post by sckuzzle »

I've always been a fan of designs that use medium power poles. Here are a few notes:

The space efficiency of the left design is 96.6% and the right 95.4%. Power poles do not count.

It is both tileable and you make use of not requiring complete electric coverage (good). You may want to post a blueprint string so people may try it out for themselves.
Last edited by sckuzzle on Fri Apr 29, 2016 12:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How do you think this solar panel / accumulator design?

Post by DerivePi »

Try this modular layout with free aisles -
SPACCUM LAYOUT.jpg (310.36 KiB) Viewed 9814 times
For a group of 4 (as shown) - 75 panels to 63 accumulators - 25 to 21
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Re: How do you think this solar panel / accumulator design?

Post by smallhuman »

sckuzzle wrote:I've always been a fan of designs that use medium power poles. Here are a few notes:

The accumulator:solar panel ratio is too high in both cases (you want 0.82). Perhaps consider a larger design with a better ratio (hopefully that also is more space efficient?)

The space efficiency of the left design is 96.6% and the right 95.4%. Power poles do not count.

It is both tileable and you make use of not requiring complete electric coverage (good). You may want to post a blueprint string so people may try it out for themselves.
thx for comment :) I'll try more!
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Re: How do you think this solar panel / accumulator design?

Post by smallhuman »

DerivePi wrote:Try this modular layout with free aisles -
For a group of 4 (as shown) - 75 panels to 63 accumulators - 25 to 21
That's creazy. lol thx.
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Re: How do you think this solar panel / accumulator design?

Post by Qon »

sckuzzle wrote:The accumulator:solar panel ratio is too high in both cases (you want 0.82). Perhaps consider a larger design with a better ratio (hopefully that also is more space efficient?)
Since everyone else seem to knows that 0.84 (21 accumulators and 25 panels like OP does) is the correct ratio maybe you should prove your numbers are right or show us a reference instead of just asserting that 0.82 is the new perfect ratio?

The wiki references this thread: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=5594

Having more panels means more power at dusk and dawn and more accumulators means a bigger buffer in case of harassment from natives and such. And if you want to fix your ratio afterwards just add more of the thing you lack.
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Re: How do you think this solar panel / accumulator design?

Post by sckuzzle »

Qon wrote: Since everyone else seem to knows that 0.84 (21 accumulators and 25 panels like OP does) is the correct ratio maybe you should prove your numbers are right or show us a reference instead of just asserting that 0.82 is the new perfect ratio?
My mistake - I misremembered the ratio. Fixed!
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Re: How do you think this solar panel / accumulator design?

Post by LazyLoneLion »

DerivePi wrote:For a group of 4 (as shown) - 75 panels to 63 accumulators - 25 to 21
As far as I can see it's 72 panels, not 75, to 61 accumulators.
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Re: How do you think this solar panel / accumulator design?

Post by js1 »

Hm, this got me thinking.. If you want solar tile design without substations, why not return to the basics?
solar-tile-1.png (418.41 KiB) Viewed 9076 times
You can see it tiles quite nicely, no gaps:
solar-tile-2.png (1.08 MiB) Viewed 9076 times
I know, the ratio is a bit off, but I prefer to err on side of solar panels anyway (and I like the original "star" design, it's just the nicest I ever saw); if you want to improve the ratio to more optimal one, you can always replace some sets of 2x2 solar panels with 3x3 batteries.
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Re: How do you think this solar panel / accumulator design?

Post by garath »

I prefer large walkways between my solar panels and accumulators. Just this morning, a large biter attack force took advantage of one of those walkways to attack me while completely ignoring my solar panels / accumulators. Given a choice between utilizing all available space or leaving a nice walkway for the aliens... I like not running out of power. :)
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Re: How do you think this solar panel / accumulator design?

Post by JoaoBernardino »

garath wrote:I prefer large walkways between my solar panels and accumulators. Just this morning, a large biter attack force took advantage of one of those walkways to attack me while completely ignoring my solar panels / accumulators. Given a choice between utilizing all available space or leaving a nice walkway for the aliens... I like not running out of power. :)
I've posted this on another topic too...

If the base for the design grid is the Roboport (I have seen designs based on the power poles), and assuming you want a small gap around the area, and that you want some light to see what you are doing... I came up with this simple solution:


180 Solar
150 Acc (ratio 0.833, very close to the perfect 0.84)
1 roboport
4 lights
16 substations

add lights on the outside whenever you like because they don't block passage.
Nom Nom Nom
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