Delivery waiting/Stack locking / Stack reservation

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Delivery waiting/Stack locking / Stack reservation

Post by ssilk »

I come from here: ... f=7&t=2413
See also here ... t=Logistic

I thought a while over this problem now. This is the same problem, that the bots will bring one, two, tree items too much if you researched the bot stacksize and is also the problem with inserters, which input too much, because of the same reason.

I've written amounts of texts, but it can be shorted like this:

Delivery waiting time
- If the requested amount is delivered, the bots don't put all items into the chest.
- Instead bot keep the left items and wait some time (5 seconds?). If they can deliver a item in that time, the time advances for another 5 seconds.
- The same is it for inserters, but without waiting time. They wait forever.

Introduce stack locking
- When the waiting time is over, the bots bring the items back to the source.
- This is possible, if the stack from which the bot has taken the items, is "reserved" (a insert-lock, nothing can be inserted into that stack until delivered), to enable the return of the item.
- The chests can't be mined (by me and the construction bots), as long there are stacks inside, which are reserved and not enough other chests free to move the reservation into another chest in the same network automatically.
- The reservation can be manually overridden, with a warning, or the chest is destroyed, then the logistic bots don't have a return-stack anymore.
- For that rare case I don't have a good solution. Some special chests? Bring it to a reserved chest? We will see, if this is needed.

Introduce stack reservation
- For the case, that character requests too much from the logistic system I suggest "stack reservation". The bots reserve a stack for an item. If nothing can be reserved, they don't bring anything.
- This feature is also useful for reserving stacks/chests in storage chests. It's important that not all storage chests can be taken by one item, which is currently possible.
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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