- Type: Mod
- Name: WaterWell
- Description: Adds a water well pump, to pump fresh water from the underground (also called the groundwater table).
- Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.13.0
- Locale: english, french, german, polish, spanish, russian, czech
- Multiplayer compatible: tested on a headless server...
- Tags: Water, Well, Pump
- License: You are free to use and distribute this mod and also to modify it for personal use, but not to release a modified version without permission (unless visibly not maintained anymore).
- Portal download : https://mods.factorio.com/mods/binbinhfr/WaterWell
For Factorio 0.13.X :
Please now use the portal for downloads (see link above or use ingame mod install/update), as I won't update both downloads links here anymore.
note that at early stages of the game, you can use the Aquifer drill, that has been written almost at the same time !