Electric power pole bug?
Electric power pole bug?
When you drop a power pole (any type, even sub stations) The tool tip shows electric demand satisfaction as green, even when the poles aren't connected to the main grid.

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Re: Electric power pole bug?
Is that a bug though? A demand of 0 with a production of 0 is 100% satisfied.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
Re: Electric power pole bug?
Makes perfect sense.
Wouldn't it be better though for the tool tip to say 'Disconnected from power source' or similar?
Wouldn't it be better though for the tool tip to say 'Disconnected from power source' or similar?
See the daily™ struggles with my Factory!

Re: Electric power pole bug?
Actually, 0/0 is not defined, so there is a case to be made that 100% satisfaction is incorrect.
Can the bar show NaN?
Edit: Assuming
Can the bar show NaN?

Edit: Assuming
Code: Select all
satisfaction = min(1, production / demand)
Re: Electric power pole bug?
I, too, would prefer if 0/0 showed as something other than 100%.