I have followed the Linux headless server instructions to have the latest version (factorio_headless_x64_0.12.26.tar) running on a newly set up Ubuntu Server 14.04.4 LTS.
I am having the same issues as the following supposedly resolved issue
Code: Select all
12.246 Info WindowsUDPSocket.cpp:73: Opening socket at port (34198)
12.246 Info Router.cpp:582: Router state -> Connecting
12.246 Verbose Router.cpp:197: Started router thread.
12.248 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:906: networkTick(0) mapTick(-1) changing state from(Ready) to(Connecting)
12.280 Info Router.cpp:582: Router state -> WaitingForAccept
12.523 Info Synchronizer.cpp:54: NetworkTick(68157) initialized Synchronizer local peer(12) latency(15).
12.523 Info Synchronizer.cpp:500: networkTick(68157) adding peer(0) success(true).
12.523 Info Synchronizer.cpp:500: networkTick(68157) adding peer(11) success(true).
12.523 Info Router.cpp:582: Router state -> Connected
12.523 Info Router.cpp:767: ConnectionAccepted ownPeerID(12) nextPeerID(13)
12.523 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:906: networkTick(68157) mapTick(-1) changing state from(Connecting) to(VerifyingConnection)
14.182 Info Synchronizer.cpp:444: NetworkTick(68157) peer(11) drop detection state(100/600).
15.842 Info Synchronizer.cpp:444: NetworkTick(68157) peer(11) drop detection state(200/600).
17.503 Info Synchronizer.cpp:444: NetworkTick(68157) peer(11) drop detection state(300/600).
19.165 Info Synchronizer.cpp:444: NetworkTick(68157) peer(11) drop detection state(400/600).
20.846 Info Synchronizer.cpp:444: NetworkTick(68157) peer(11) drop detection state(500/600).
22.503 Info Synchronizer.cpp:444: NetworkTick(68157) peer(11) drop detection state(600/600).
22.521 Info Synchronizer.cpp:590: NetworkTick(68157) peer(11) peerHeartbeatsEmpty(true) is not responding, dropping.
22.521 Error MultiplayerManager.cpp:110: MultiplayerManager failed: multiplayer.failed-to-connect-to-peer("FRIENDS_PUBLIC_IP:34199")
22.521 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:906: networkTick(68157) mapTick(-1) changing state from(VerifyingConnection) to(Failed)
23.807 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:161: NetworkTick(68157) quitting multiplayer connection.
23.807 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:906: networkTick(68157) mapTick(-1) changing state from(Failed) to(Disconnected)
23.807 Info Router.cpp:556: Router peerID(12) shutting down.
23.807 Verbose Router.cpp:279: Finishing router thread.
My desktop (on the same LAN as the server) is set to use port 34198.
As above, my friend even tried changing his port to 34199.
We have also tried other port configurations with the same result.
The save used for the server does not have peer-2-peer enabled as per the instructions. We also tried with it on for shits n giggles to the same effect.
I have port 34917 forwarded to the servers IP.
My desktop does not have 34918 forwarded (it stopped all internet connectivity when I tried actually, but the resolved bug report says that the server should now handle all communication anyway)
It seems like even though this latest update should enable communication from the server to my desktop, that our games are still trying to communicate directly via P2P.
We are each able to host a windows game via the normal steam menu without troubles and play, and have been playing on a friends Windows headless server also without issues.