More Hostile Danger

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More Hostile Danger

Post by itisi.danger »

A familiar scenario,

Start a map, immediately get to work. You research turrets and walls to defend yourself with, placing groups as sentries for when the waves of crawlers come in search of the pollution sources.
You hold them off for the most part, perhaps a breach occurs a couple times... until you research and implement laser turrets.

From there, your base is no longer threatened by the bugs. You're safe behind your tech curtain and the only danger then on caused by venturing too close to danger outside your walls.
By then, you're probably fully solar, if you haven't needed to clear out a few enemy bases to make room to accomplish this (I normally play with large enemy bases to keep this part interesting) by setting an outpost and moving it in to firing range.
From there, you gain the construction bots and blueprints, able now to place 4, 8, or more laser turrets down within moments, able to clear enemy bases from afar without a scratch within seconds as you place an offensive outpost into the heart of the enemy.

At this point in time... you are untouchable (watch out for trains lol) and there's very little danger to the base, able to clear out the enemies far enough out never to be touched by pollution, and if they do, your power armor can withstand any damage they can dish before they are killed by defenses. Unless one is unprepared or somehow taken off guard while wandering the wilderness, a train is all that can kill you.

Maybe you played around with driving a tank straight through enemy spawners, maybe you never saw the necessity of the tank, but once you hit purple tech, there's really no threat to your existence. It's just a matter of time before the shuttle is launched.
What I'd like to see is an expansion on hostile dangers.

Be it more bugs, perhaps flying types that can bypass walls, or mechanics on existing like get enough dead bodies pilled up and they'll run over them over the tops of your walls. Periodic scouts may arrive, see your base and run off to gather a swarm to send your way (where diligent radar watching players could intercept the scout and prevent such a wave etc)
Be it an mid to end game "discovery" that you are not the only intelligent life on the surface, an NPC enemy builder with their own base, pumping out droids to send your way.
The bugs can expand currently, but they never really do much but sit there and take up space until you go back and clear them out again.

And while I know that yes, you can play PvP, that's not really an option for those with poor internet connections.

I'd even be up for cautionary building, for example, you juice your accumulators too much to where they explode and possibly damage you and surrounding constructs. Perhaps this npc alien would realize you use electricity and overload your systems intentionally (requiring actively cutting power lines to prevent damage until you researched defenses against it.)

I don't think I've ever had a behemoth spawn yet, or maybe by then I didn't notice a difference, but as hard as I can make it in the beginning, it eventually becomes a cake walk.

When I saw the trailer, I envisioned a sort of mech tug of war, where you'd assemble droids to send out to a selected waypoint on the map to attack, waves of bots fighting back and forth against some enemy builder. Those of the npc enemy don't need to be of similar tech by any means.

Currently, you only fight when you need to expand, beyond defending your base if you pollute recklessly, and by the time you have trains and can explore far out, the ease with which enemies are dealt with, it made the end game seem more like waiting for time to go by while production continued.
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Re: More Hostile Danger

Post by ssilk »

Moved out of Frequently Suggestions.

See viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3394 Read this OR be ignored!
That is such kind of suggestion I don't want to see often, because
- everything is already suggested
- it's not clear from the title, what this suggestion is about,
- it cannot be discussed like so, cause everything is mixed up.
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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